Chapter 10. The Big Wedding

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Sorry for not updating the story. I've been trying to get ideas for the story. Anywho, I might be making a Tokyo Ghoul fanfiction. So please keep a lookout for it!! Love you all!!

The months had passed by in The Gray world. That one certain special day was approaching. Yosafire and her friends were still unaware of the big day.

There was a light knock on Yosafire's and Froze's door. The angel stood up and walked over to the door, she opened it to see the gray haired, one eye angel. It was Wodahs.

"Good afternoon Froze, I'm here to send an invitation to Lord Kcalb's and Lady Etihw's wedding. It will be Saturday of April sixteenth. The time is around noon. So please dress nicely, it would make us happy." The head angel ended it with his casual blank stare.

Froze smiled happily. She knew something like this would happen. Just the engagement was in secret. Now the biggest wedding was happening.

This brought joy to the Gray world, it was happening in the lovely Apple Park. Knowing for Yosafire, this meant a lot of food.
"Thank you for the invitation Wodahs. We will attend. Will Soul be there?" Froze asked, she clearly missed him. It's been so long, since they saw him. He was approximately around seven years old now. If not slightly older.

"Lady Etihw and Lord Kcalb will be expecting you there then." The head angel said adjusting his tie. He turned on his heel walking away from the house.

Meanwhile at BlancBlack Castle. Kcalb was teaching his two beloved sons about the past. Steven who was much older than Soul. They looked almost identical to their father. Steven had white hair, his mother's eyes and had horn identical to his father's. He dressed in a tuxedo, shirt half tucked in and his hands in his pockets. Soul was dressed properly. He laughed as they played a game that Etihw always played with Kcalb.

What was surprising, Kcalb was smiling for the first time in forever.
"There's no need to be guys are where I end.... I'll always love you." Kcalb said with a blush as he hugged the two boys.

Etihw entered the room with a smile looking at her family. She walked over and made her way into the hug and smiled softly.
"I still love you Kcalb. This is why I'm marrying you." Etihw smiled.

End of Chapter 10

((Last song by Megurine Luka))

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