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direct messages

kageyama + hinata


kageyama: please dont do that ever again :( that was killing me.

hinata: i know im sorry for that :(

kageyama: no.. dont say sorry

kageyama: i deserved that after being such a jerk to you

kageyama: im so sorry hinata, i truly am.

hinata: its okay ;)

hinata: im sorry for not replying to you also..

hinata: i was a mess today and i thought i was bothering you so i locked myself in my room and put my phone on silent.. you know, needing time for myself and all.

kageyama: what happened?

kageyama: im here to listen now and im not leaving until you tell me what happened today that you wanna talk about

hinata: it was the same thing again..

hinata: my friends acting like shit. teachers pressuring you with school works and your grades. the feeling of being left out all the damn time you're trying to sit with your group of """friends""". people treating you like crap.

hinata: it makes me feel so tired.

hinata: but then again it happened almost everyday now so i guess im used to being dissapointed

hinata: but thats the point i still havent got used to the feeling

hinata: and it makes me sad, and betrayed and everything bad and sometimes i just want to cry alone in my room because of it.

kageyama: oh my god.. hinata..

kageyama: im sorry i never knew about this :(

hinata: its okay i never tell you anyway about my life so its not your fault..

kageyama: but you seemed so happy here..

hinata: what? on twitter?

kageyama: on twitter.. on our dms texts.. you seemed like a happy go lucky boy here.

kageyama: you dont look like a sad boy here, you dont look depressed here.

kageyama: you seemed fine.

kageyama: you always have been :(

hinata: thats because i only feel happy here, kageyama ;)

direct messages  kagehina auWhere stories live. Discover now