"Who was that." Niall asks.

"Luke." I say.

"Oh ok." He says. 

"Do you wanna come with me to the mall with Louis,Harry,Liam and Ashton." Niall says.

"Uh sure totally." I say.

"Ok I'm going to go get ready and come back for you at 2:00." He says.

"Ok." I say.

"Wait wait Niall bring back my sweats and shirt when u can." Louis says.

"Uh oh yeah ok." Niall says looking down at his clothes then leaves to get ready.

"I'm going to get ready." I tell Louis and go upstairs.

I get out some clothes and lay it out in my bed.

I get out some clothes and lay it out in my bed

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And get in the shower. After I'm finish it's 1:00 so i have an hour to get ready. I put on my clothes and go to the bathroom and brush my teeth and curl my hair a bit. After that i do my make up. It's light makeup nothing to dark. After that I put on my boots and sweater. I get my phone and purse. And go downstairs and get an apple and eat it. Now it's 2:04.

So i go outside with Louis and wait for Niall and the boys. I see jaun come out I think that's his name.

"Hey Liz." Juan says.

"Oh hey Juan." I say.

I see Niall pull up in our Driveway so I say bye to Juan and get in his car with Louis.

"Ashton is at the mall already." Liam says.

"Oh ok." I say and we drive off.

Niall turns on the radio and a song was on I can't feel my face by the weekend.

"And I know she'll be the death of me at least we both be numb
And I know she'll get the best of me the worst is yet to come
But at least we'll both be beautiful and stay for ever young
this I know yeah this I know." I sang.

"She told me, don't worry about it
She told, me don't worry no more
We both know we can't go without it
She told me you'll never be in love oh oh woo." Louis sang.

BUT I LOVE IT." Niall shouted and we all laughed.

"Change the song man." Harry said.

"Ok I guess." Niall said and change the song. It was rolling in he deep by Adele.

"There's a fire starting in my heart
Reaching the fever pitch and it's bringing me out the dark
Finally I could see you crystal clear
Go 'head and sell me out and I'll lay your ship bare
See how i leave with every piece of you
Don't underestimate the things that I will do
There's a fire starting in my heart and it's bringing me out the dark." I sang.

After we finished that song we sang to other ones till we arrived at the mall.

We walked in the mall and saw Ashton on
his phone.

"Hey ash." I say coming up to him.

He looks up and says. "Oh hey Liz and guys."

"Were you wanna go we could go to were ever you like." Harry said.

"Ummmm.........  I wanna go to a." I say thinking.

"Oooo oo I know I wanna go to forever 21." I say.

"Ok let's go." Liam says.

We walk into forever 21 and start looking around Ashton just staring at the ceiling Liam is on his phone Louis is trying to find me cause we are playing hide and seek Harry is flirting with some girl and Niall is actually looking at clothes.

"LIZ IM GONNA FIND YOU." I hear Louis. I'm hiding behind a manikin.

I see Ashton still staring at the ceiling and see him tear up then a few tears come out his eyes down to his cheeks and he quickly wipes them off. Oh my god why is he crying.

"I FOUND YOU." Louis shouted in my ear.

"Ow that hurts." I say smacking Louis on the arm rubbing my ear.

"Sorry what were you staring at." He says rubbing his arm.

"Look Ashton was crying." I say pointing at Ashton.

"Oh my god why is he crying." He says looking at Ashton.

"I should go talk it him." I say.

"Yeah you should." Louis says.

I walk to Ashton and sit next to him. But he still stars at the ceiling.

"Uh Ashton." I say.

"What." He says with a tone.

"Are you ok." I say.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine just leave me alone." He says.

"No im gonna stay here With you." I say.

He doesn't say anything.

"Come on let's go to another store just you and me." I say getting up and pulling Ashton to come with me. And he gets up.

"Ok were you wanna go." I say and we leave forever 21.

Sorry it was late and I know its short. But this week was super busy cause I'm going to Seattle on Friday and my mom thought I needed a passport and an ID but that was just for 18 and older and I'm younger then 18 and 18 and under dont need anything to travel. So yeah I'm getting my ID and passport for NO REASON. thanks mom.


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