Chapter 9

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Miranda's pov

I pound my fists on the top of the box, scratching at the wood. Trying to open it. "Please let me out!! I'll do anything!" I scream, miserable. Then the realization and shock hits me. I'm gonna break free. And I won't let them stop me. I kick the box with the heel of the cowboy boots Jason bought me. "Let me GO!" I scream at the top of my lungs as I kick it again. The top goes flying. I run out of the little room. Only to be stopped by my dad. No he's not my dad. Jason is. "You must be the dumbest kid alive." "I'm not a kid." I growl, my hands in fists. He taught me to fight. "How'd you find me?" He smiles, cornering me. "Your punishment isn't over." "Fuck you and your box. I don't have to listen to you. You're not my parents anymore." "Like hell we aren't!" He yells, cracking me across the face with the back of his hand. My face burns from the pain but I refuse to cry. I won't let him see me cry. I put a hand to my cheek but he forces it down and slaps me again.

Jason's pov

"You owe her a big apology when we get home." "She doesn't belong here! She's not one of us." I tighten m grip on the wheel. "Even mom said so!" I hit the brakes, pitching us both forward. "Do not bring your mother into this. In fact, do not bring her up again!" "You hate her?! Why do you hate mama?!!" I spin around furious. "I don't hate her!! If I could take her place I would!" She's sobbing in the backseat. I try to calm myself down. Then I get out and open her door. "Sweetheart you can talk about your mom, I shouldn't have said that. I'm just mad." I hug her tight. "Why do you care about that girl? She's not my sister and she's not your daughter!" She's so confused. "She is now. I adopted her. I care about her like my daughter. Her parents hurt her." "Like what?" "Like bad honey. That's why we have to save her. All she wants is someone who cares. She's not gonna ever replace you or anything. I'll always love you." She looks up and forces a smile. "Then let's go save my sister." I smile and we keep on driving. I pull up in front of her parents' house. It makes me so mad. "Daddy what about your shoulder?" "I'm fine. Just stay in the car and keep the door locked and if either of them come near you or get in, ya shoot 'em." Thank God I taught her to shoot a few years earlier. In truth though, my shoulder is killing me. I bust the door open to see her dad slap her across her face, her cheeks red as fire. I'm about to bust a cap in this fucker. "Get your damn hands away from my daughter. I ain't afraid to shoot you!" He stares at me for five seconds then turns back around and slaps her so hard she falls to the floor, crying. "Daddy save me!" She whimpers on the floor. "I will baby girl, I promise!" Where's her mom is what I'd like to know. "Don't you get up." He says, kicking her, making my blood boil. "Step away from her!" I yell, raising my pistol. He just smiles. Not even afraid. He's such an idiot or maybe he's crazy. Then I hear a floorboard creak. I spin around in time for a baseball bat to hit me in the face and everything fade to black.


I wake back up in a dark small room with no windows. The door shut and most likely locked.

Miranda's pov

"Just stay quiet." I whisper. "B-But what are they gonna do to dad?" She gasps, terrified. I don't care if she hates me. I pull her into a hug, the box even more cramped now that there's two of us in here. "I'm scared." She whimpers, crying. I rub her back. "Don't worry. You're my sister. I won't let them hurt you like they did me."

Sierra's pov

My eyes widen in shock. "I've been a terrible sister." I whisper. She holds me tighter. "If we get outta this, I'll be a better sister. I promise." "We will get out of here." She says. Suddenly the lid is pulled off quickly making us both scream but then we see it's dad!! "Daddy!" I scream, standing up and hugging him.

Jason's pov

This must be the box she was talking about. That's the smallest thing I've ever seen. "You guys need to go." Miranda says, still laying down. "Not without you. Like I said before, you're my daughter now. And I'm leaving here with both my girls." Sierra grabs her hand, pulling on her. "You have to come back. I won't leave without you!" Huh? I thought they hated each other! I hear noises in the hallway. "I promised I'd save you and dammit I'm keepin' that promise, stand up, young lady." She shakily does. "I'm scared though. I don't want them to hurt you guys." "You leave that to me." I say, smiling to hopefully reassure both my daughters. I find a metal pole and hold it tight since they stole my gun. "Just stay behind me girls." The door swings open and I was about to raise the pole as a weapon when it was a cop. I drop it in surprise. "Sorry officer I thought you were the psychos who locked me and my girls up." "We got a call from an anonymous caller about suspicious activity." I glance down at Sierra and her cheeks get red. I smile. She called the cops to save her sister. "Where are they?" Miranda asks, still hiding behind me, her face probably redder than Sierra's from being slapped so much. "Who? Your parents?" The cop asks. "They're not my parents. He's my dad." I hug both my girls. "That's right. I won't let nothin' hurt you ever again." "I love you." She whispers, crying. "I love you too sweetheart." I stand back up to face the cop. "Where are they?" I ask. "On the way to a maximum security prison." I put a hand on Miranda's shoulder. "Ya hear that hun?" She looks up at me, tears filling her eyes. "You're free." I hug her tight as she cries.

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