Chapter 2

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Jason's pov

"First off honey let's start with your name." She stares at her hands, scared. "Miranda." At least we're getting somewhere! I sit down across from her. "Ok what the heck is the box?" Her eyes go wide again and she stands up. "I can't. I have to go." "No wait, you don't I won't tell anyone."

Miranda's pov

He won't? B-But he said I'd have to call them! What'll I do then?! "If I tell you, my parents.... They'll be no end." He scratches his head confused. "Just sit down and talk to me okay?" Ugh. Who knew meeting my idol would cause me so much trouble?! But I sit back down anyway. A little girl peeks into the room. He glances over his shoulder. "Sierra go back to bed." She stares at me for a few seconds then leaves. "The box...... Is my mom and dad's form of punishment for me. The point of it is I can barely fit. The last time I had to stay in there for two days. It's barely big enough for me to move! And they don't let me out to go to the bathroom! It's horrible!" He stares at me wide eyed. "My goodness, darlin' your parents abuse you!" I raise an eyebrow. "I didn't know it was abuse. I just knew I had to get away." "You sure did. They've been abusing you. Do you have any siblings?" I shake my head.

Jason's pov

Good. I don't have to worry about other kids being abused like this. Poor kid. "Thry didn't even want kids. I was a mistake." Oh man! "No way. You weren't a mistake!" Kids aren't mistakes! This poor kid has been through hell and back. "You're not going back there, sweetheart." "I-I'm not? B-But you said I'd have to call them?" "You don't. It's gonna be okay. I'm guessing you chose Nashville to escape to because of being a fan of country?" She smiles. "Yeah. Country music is my life. So much of the songs hit me hard. Cause country songs aren't just songs they're stories! Ya just gotta read deeper into it and you'll unlock the secrets." Wow. I smile. "Yeah that's what I love about country music. Here you can stay here not up in that tree." "I can't. I feel like I'm intruding." "You aren't sweetheart. I know you're exhausted." She yawns proving my point. "You can sleep in Sierra's room." I help her down and hold her hand so she doesn't run away. "Who's Sierra?" "My daughter. She's twelve."

Miranda's pov

"Sierra's asleep right now so you can take the spare bed she uses for sleepovers." I'm so nervous. "Thanks." "No problem. Just don't run away." "Why not? I'm just a burden!" I gasp, tears falling. "You aren't a burden! Don't listen to what your parents said. That's no way to treat a little girl like you." He says, hugging me. My eyes go wide in surprise. But my shaking hands return the hug. "Don't run away. It'll scare me then I'll have to find you." "W-Why would you want to find me?" He smiles. "Just get some sleep kiddo. We'll talk more in the morning." I watch him leave, so confused. Why does he care? He doesn't even know me! I shakily lay down on the pink and purple bedspread. When I shut my eyes, a small voice says, "He's my daddy. Not yours. No one here wants you." I fight back the tears. "No one wants me anywhere." I whisper.

*the next day*

I don't think I've ever slept that good in my life. I don't even want to get up. But I have to. Me and Jason still have a lot to talk about. I go downstairs and see Sierra sitting down at the table eating something. I'm unsure what. Jason's at the stove cooking. "She's awake dad." Sierra says. I blush. "Oh hey hun. Here sit down." I shakily sit down, unsure what's gonna happen. He brings over a plate of food. "Th-Thank you." I whisper. He smiles. I take a bite and it's delicious. "Oh my gosh! This is so good what is this?" I gasp then my face gets red with embarassment. "Wait, you've never tried bacon and eggs?" He asks. I shake my head. "Never heard of it."

Jason's pov

Man she had it way worse than I thought. "Honey, did you ever go to school?" "No dad said only good kids could go. He said I wasn't good enough." "Damn. You are a good kid." "I'm gonna go the bus is here." Sierra says, putting her plate in the sink. "Ok bye sweety. Love you." "Love you too." I hug her and she gets on the bus.


Miranda's pov

"So what are ya gonna do about this girl?" A new voice asks. I shakily look out of Sierra's room. "I don't know man, all I know is I'm not lettin' her psycho parents anywhere near her. She's never even been to school! You shoulda heard what her dad said about her!" "Where is she?" "Still in Sierra's room. She hasn't come out since breakfast. Hold on." I hear him walking. "Hey sweetheart you know you don't have to stay in there all day right?" Man, I'm so embarrassed. I nervously open the door again. "Come on out and meet a friend of mine." I smile. "I know it's Luke I heard his voice." His eyes go wide in surprise then he laughs. I smile, trying to hide my embarassment.

Jason's pov

I know what I'm doing with her. I'm gonna adopt her. I put a hand on her shoulder. "That's Uncle Luke to you." "Huh?" I smile. "You'll figure it out later." "I'm confused." We walk to where Luke is. She tilts her cowboy hat lower on her head. Her face is beet red. "Apparently she's a huge fan." I whisper. "I-I am of you both. I can play black tears and that's my kinda night on my guitar!" She gasps all in one breath, still staring down at her shoes. I rub my chin in thought and look at Luke. "Jam session?" He asks, smiling. I nod. "Jam session. Hey sweetheart go get your guitar. You're gonna like this." She walks back to Sierra's room. "Well man I decided what I'm doing." "And what's that?" I smile, my hands on my hips. "I'm gonna adopt her." He smiles. "You have one big heart my friend." I just hate to see that poor girl suffering and alone. Well she won't be anymore.

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