Here Comes the Bride (Three / Three)

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The church was beautiful. The floor was covered with the reflections from the stained glass windows. Roses and Lilly's filled the room in vases and stuck to the side of the pews. The marble floor was a deep greying colour with flecks of gold’s and silvers.

The pillars that held up the high ceiling were all carved and reminded me of the Greek Churches Pheonix had shown me pictures of. In short, it was amazing. I felt like a Princess as we walked passed the Aisle on the way to the dressing rooms.

The aisle was covered with a deep red carpet- the colour of red wine- and someone had sprinkled pink rose petals all the way up, leading to the Alter.

I paused at the start of the Aisle, my heart hammering away at my rib cage. Soon, I would be walking up here. Soon I would be getting married. I ran a hand over the nearest pew, feeling the soft cold wood beneath my fingers.

Sky hugged me side on, smiling at me sadly. "Come on." She said quietly, tugging me lightly away from the aisle and all thoughts of what I would be doing in an hour and a half time. We walked around the pews and up stairs that I was sure you wouldn't notice unless someone said they were there.

We kept walking, before coming to a corridor, the stairs continuing upwards to the Choir's Loft. Along the hall way, Rose pushed open a large Oak door, to reveal a room on the other side.

To describe it, it looked a lot like an Old Lady's home. All the furniture was that old wooden colour with some kind of floral print. The carpet was short and well-kept- quiet warn in some places.

I walked in, letting the scent of old perfume fill my nose. Sky gripped my shoulder lightly "I'm going to get changed into my dress. When I come back, I'll help you into yours.. okay?"

I nodded wordlessly. I wasn't talking. I hadn't since we'd reached the church. I found I couldn't. It was like my throat had closed up and gone bone dry. I was worried, and nervous. But most confusing of all, I was excited. I was excited to walk down the Aisle. I was excited to have the band play a song, excited to read the vows Rose had helped me write, excited to throw my flowers....

"Whats taking her so long?" Aria whispered to Rose. They both shot confused glances at the door Sky had disappeared into about ten minutes ago. "Rate she's going, there'll be a Wedding, just without a Bride."

Rose chuckled lightly. "I'll go see whats-,"

I held up my hand, shaking my head. "No, I will."

I had no idea what I was doing, or why I was doing it, but I had this feeling that I should be the one goingto see Sky. Something had been eating at me all day. She had been too quiet, too collected, too careful.

"Sky?" I tapped on the door lightly. "I'm coming in, okay?"

No answer.

I pushed open the door and stepped into the marble bathroom. It was huge. A large bath tub took up much of one side of the room, while a vanity took up the whole wall in front of me. I could see Sky's dress poking out from under one of the stalls.

I walked up to the door. "Sky. Open up." I said, pushing lightly on the door.

"Go away." Sky sniffed.

I could tell she'd been crying. And Sky rarely cried. Something big must have happened.

"Is it Pheonix? Did he do something to you? Sky, let me i-,"

The door was tugged open and I stumbled a little as Sky pushed passed me. Her eyes were red rimmed and her nose was running. Besides that, she looked like a Goddess in her light sky-blue mid-thigh length dress. It was strapless and had a satin black ribbon wrapped around her waist.

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