Chapter 14: It's getting rather cold

Start from the beginning

She jumps down at the other side, wiping away the dust from her black jeans. "I won't wait for you forever, Tree girl. I know you can climb."
"Tree girl?"
"Yeah, Tree girl. Don't judge me, I wasn't the one who gave you the last name Woods."
My cheeks go red from no reason. I overcome my worries and jump up too, managing to climb to the other side and standing next to the girl that keeps giving me ridiculous nicknames.

We walk into the messy interior, the open door giving us free entrance. Empty bottles of alcohol are lying on the floor, pieces of glass surrounding them. There's this smell of old humid plaster, occupying the whole place.
Clarke breathes in, spreading her arms. "Can you smell the sweet air of freedom?"
I can't help myself and widen my eyes at her, smiling a little at her ridiculous tone.
"What's your problem now?" She laughs, unable to hold herself.
"I don't know.. Why freedom?"
"I mean look at the dirty floor, the sprayed walls, the plaster sloughing down.. It's all so free."

I look around again and try to understand what she means. "Yeah, maybe you're right."
"Of course I am. Imagine all the people before us drinking here, having fun. Sign of freedom."
I walk forward, stepping over the broken plank.  I spot stairs build in the wall on my right. "It leads up, I say and for the first time today I do something before Clarke. I walk up the stairs quickly and see another vast room. I don't look around much and see another stairs close to these. I wanna get the highest I can.

After I climb up the fourth stairs, I reach the roof. And it's really worth the sight. The houses with small cars and even smaller people, all below the blue sky. I notice there are clouds grouping, probably showing me a sign that it's gonna rain.
"It looks like someone ran out of money before finishing," I flinch at the sound of Clarke's voice, forgetting that she's following me.
"It's great they did though," I say, smiling at the view. "I see we stole this place from someone. Look, there's a home made bench."
And there is. Someone really brought four bricks and a board to sit on. It's right on the edge of the tall building, giving the best view you can possibly have in this town.

We come to that bench and sit. I can finally toss the bag down and put out another bottle of water. I notice Clarke probably threw the previous one somewhere when running because she doesn't have it anymore.
"Just look at the town. There are probably people like us somewhere."
I take a gulp from the bottle and turn my head to face Clarke. "Like us?"
She chuckles. "Yeah, like us. Extraordinary. The type of people that just jump into cold water and laugh like stupid."

I smile at the memory again. It really happened; I was happy. I was enjoying my life. I am. It's all really getting back to normal again.
"Yeah," I sigh, "I guess there is a lack of people who enjoy life."
"I don't get them. Life should be about more than just surviving. Don't we deserve better than that?"
She turns her head to me, looking me straight in my eyes. The color of hers won't stop distracting me. Too bright for my senses to bear. My sight slides slightly lower than her blues are though.

"Maybe we do," I whisper, my stare fixed on Clarke's lips. As the gap between our faces is getting smaller, my heartbeat is increasing. She's the one who is getting closer. Or am I? I have no idea. It's like electricity is flowing between us. Or a magnetic power, pulling us slowly together.

Suddenly a raindrop falls on my face and it totally rips me out of the moment. I flinch and look to the direction of the town again. What the hell just happened? Did we almost kiss? Maybe it wasn't a real thing.

The rain is getting tougher, making me happy and disappointed at the same time. I love rain. I really do. But right now? God, the weather was never so disturbing.
"We should go hide somewhere," I say loudly through the sound of the raindrops touching the ground.
"Oh, I thought you don't mind a little extra water?" Clarke acts like nothing just happened.
"I don't," I laugh, "I thought you do."
She smiles. But not the smile I've seen multiple times today. Not the smirk or grin she puts on every time she can. No. This is real smile. Like the smile she gave me this morning. Like the honest laugh she showed me yesterday when we were singing. "No, it's just fine."


Hi there! I'm really sorry again that I wasn't able to update. I honestly thought I won't finish this chapter today. But it's almost 1 AM and here it is! I will hopefully correct it tomorrow. I really hope you will keep reading this story even though I update less frequently!

Thank you so much guys for the feedback! And the reads, oh my god, I can't believe it. 18K here and almost 50K on circumstances? Are you crazy?!

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you did, don't forget to vote and comment!

Clexa AU °Safe Haven° [#Wattys2016]Where stories live. Discover now