Chapter 8 - A Muggle Love Story

Start from the beginning

"Yes, well, growing up in two completely different countries didn't help." she replied, still failing dreadfully at copying his Queen's English. Renee made sure she did not acquire a French English accent, which was why she still spoke like a yank, as Fred and George once called her, and it was not like she had anyone to talk to in Beauxbatons.

"Merlin, help us all. You sound ridiculous." Severus chastised, now smirking.

They walked together to the Dueling Hall, with Severus an inch away from Renee's right. She bit her lip to contain her happiness when he put his hand on her shoulder, though he was frowning and looked like he was escorting her to detention. Both of them entered the noisy hall at the same time and broke contact at once. "Good afternoon," he hissed. The hall immediately grew quiet.

"The Yule Ball," Severus drawled with his deep voice, "has been a tradition of the Triwizard Tournament. Since its inception, on Christmas evening, we and our guests assemble in the Great Hall for a... formal gathering." he explained.

Severus continued rather grudgingly. "As hosts of the said event, I expect each and every one of you to participate. Whether you are in favour of it or not is none of my concern, as I am not particularly fond of partaking in such events myself. But because I am the head of Slytherin House,  the Triwizard Tournament Committee has left me with no choice on the matter. As students of Hogwarts, you are no more in a different situation than I am."

"He makes the Yule Ball sound like a nightmare," Jamila whispered in my ear. Renee giggled silently and nodded in agreement.

"Perhaps this will either encourage or dismay you," Severus said with an eye roll, "but the Yule Ball is most predominantly... a dance." he explained, annoyed.

The Slytherin girls were yet again squealing in excitement. Renee found the prospect of the upcoming event quite exciting, but the boys sounded as if they'd rather scrub slimy cauldrons without magic.

"Silence." Severus hissed. "As much I would prefer not to stay here and watch you all trip on each other's shoes, I will not allow a single student of Slytherin to behave like a dunderhead at the ball. We must always strive to maintain the house's refined reputation." he said dangerously. "For this reason, all of you must attend rehearsals that are to be held at this hall once a week for an hour until the day of the ball. The sixth and seventh years will have to attend twice a week, as they have a separate... presentation together with the other houses."

The girls once again started to chatter with anticipation and glee, while the boys groaned louder. Renee was now really looking forward to the ball as she had wanted to dance for a long time now. Back in Beauxbatons, they would rehearse daily for a ballet performance every season. Dancing was the only thing she found pleasant there, and she had missed it terribly since her arrival at Hogwarts.

"Madam Hooch here will be your... instructor, as I have no interest in ridiculous, imbecilic, so-called art forms." Severus scowled. Renee actually thought he would be the choreographer, and she had to bite her inner cheek to stop herself from bursting out chuckling at a vision of him dancing ballet with his black overalls. "But do not think you can just escape your way out of rehearsals. I will be here to make sure that none of you will sneak out. Absences will not be tolerated." he warned. He then settled onto a chair at a corner to resume glaring at everyone in the room.

"Good afternoon, Slytherin students." Madam Hooch greeted. "Well basically, to dance is to let the body breath." she said, dramatically raising her arms. "Inside every human, a strong longing to express passion is just waiting to burst, and dancing is surely the way to let it out," the witch described.

"My eyes might burst if she continues to wave her hands like that," Renee whispered to Jamila, and it was now her turn to giggle silently.

"Now, I have been informed that we have a trained, Beauxbaton dancer amongst here with us. Miss Capulet, will you please come forward?" Hooch called me.

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