Telling the Truth

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We made them pinky swear they wouldn't tell a soul and they agreed so joven started to explain the situation "so you guys know how I have a gf and I just kissed Y/N right here" they nodded "well its hard to explain but this is my girlfriend" they all looked at him then me I smiled and then Shohinki said "wait if he's a she then that means it couldn't be hers" "anyways I'm R/N" I took off my mask and they gasped "hey its not that shocking do you think Joven could just get a girlfriend that no one know before hand" they agreed with me and Joven said "yeah your rig... wait R/N!" They laughed "well sweety it's true" they others where laughing so hard they couldn't take it "wait but how can you sound so different from guy you and girl you" Flitz asked "well for starters I never sayed I was a guy or a girl when I was Y/N ad secondly I used to be a voice actor and I played the part of a guy for many seasons of the show" oh they said and then there really where no more questions except for a shocking question from wes "do you two sleep together" the others looked at him like he was crazy and Ian said "of course they have" um actually we haven't" Joven corrected then Shohinki had a remark "well they have done other stuff" and he shivers "so gross" Anthony asked "what kind of stuff" then Shohinki said shaking again "you don't want to know " Flitz then said "you watched them" "no he didn't he's just over reacting" Joven explained "then why was there semen on her face" there eyes opened wide as he sayed that "did you" wes made a had motion and pointed at Joven we then tryed to end it "ok guys get back to sleep you need it for work it's only been about an hour of sleep and it's" he looked at the clock and then gasped "its already 4 am we've been talking for 3 hours so get to bed" they all gave in and went to bed

Joven's POV
We walked down the hall and then I grabbed R/N's hand and pulled her into my room and pinned her against the wall again "so do you want to continue" she then said "I can't you know why" "oh right I forgot" "well I'll lay with you" I smiled and we went to bed....

(I was going to make something happen then I remembered they I made a period start that day so yeah anyways thanks for reading and Bye Bye :3)

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