Day one of Filming

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We walking in a little late for reading but it was fine at the time they where just starting to read they looked up at us as we walked in "what took you guys so long did you guys stop to kiss before entering" Shohinki said laughed "no we didn't" I sayed then Mari said "maybe something else happened this morning" they all looked a Mari confused me and Joven where lucky that Mattraub wasnt in the room we started to read and then when it was over it just said start game then Flitz asked about it "why don't we have the rest of the script" I answered with "well I made this script before hand and after the game I'll pick the the person who will die from what ever the consequence I have written on a piece of paper here then at lunch I'll make up a new script fast" they all went oh the after the vlog I did for the introduction of my new captives we went to the table and played a game (pick the game you want) the ranking at the end of the game was Flitz first Mari second laser corn third Anthony fourth Shohinki fifth Joven sixth Wes seventh and Ian eighth I decided for the first game to go this the normal approach and to punish the last place the seen changed from happy and friendly to me kicking Ian down not really but still onto a mat and then I stabbed him multiple times in the tummy the ended the video in a vlog type still with my bloody camra I use when filming a kidnapping youtubers video and yandere real life

After that we had to record for smosh games so we just played some cards against humanity and I was kicking some butt...

(Thanks for reading Bye Bye :3)

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