#1; Back to Wonderland

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'Make the hat work you said...' Jefferson cluched at his head, trying to get that voice to shut up. It was almost like another curse, 'now you're listening to /me/ again & your hat is gone'. Whatever Jefferson did, the voices weren't going to calm down anytime soon. 'You were always mad.' Jefferson shook his head before raising an eyebrow from the ground he recognized from long ago. "Not again," the Hatter frowned at the prospects of landing back in his own personal Hell. How he got here would be a mystery but he hoped the March Hare hadn't got his hands back on the Evermore clock to cause more havoc. Wonderland. He hated it more than anyone would ever know. Jefferson never told a soul of what had caused the fearful looks when they spoke of the place and he wasn't going to. Ever. It wasn't their business. "At least I have you," he gestured to his hat that was under his arm. The last time he never had it to get out - Emma, of course had a small part to play in getting it back. His hat in Storybrooke was in dispair but now getting here, the magic must have restored it and brought him back by accident.

The musty smell of one particular hookah piple lingered in the air as if only yesterday he was here being the carefree Hatter everyone knew him to be. After walking for only a few seconds, the smell faded which he was thankfull for. There's only a small amount of people that could tolerate it and he wasn't one. Footsteps quickly approached but before he could even attempt to hide, he was grabbed and once again dragged away. 'You remember this rather well correct?' The little voice in his head was still there, as if making a fool of him with his choices. A constant reminder of how much of a failure he really was. In his own eyes, his wife's and his daughter's. Jefferson stood there, rubbing his head where it had met the ground previously. He may have not been completely mad as he once was, but the voice wasn't going to shut up anytime soon. 

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