Just Imagine

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I'm sorry for the wait....once again no excuse....okay let us start....

Just imagine....

Finally the last class of the day! Too bad they are in this class. You sighed and walked into class, don't get it wrong you love music class, but the boys that sit behid you are rude and annoying.

You took a seat at your table right when Luke, Calum, Ashton and Michael walked in. (Ik ik but just pretend they we're all in the same grade) They sat behind you and made it their goal to annoy the crap out of you.

This was going to be a loooooong class.

Through the whole class Ashtons' giggle echoed in your ears, Calum purposely breathed on your neck and Michael kept kicking your chair.

Every 5 minutes you would turn around and give them a death glare, same as every day. They just laughed at this, but you did notice Luke wasn't messing with you. Though you obviously weren't going to say anything.

Half way through the class you were about ready to pull your hair out. Thats when Luke decided to speak up. "Come on guys, that's enough. She doesn't like that." Luke said softly.

This surprised you. He's never said anything before, so why now? Michael being the person he was decided to say something. "Oooooo, does Lukey have a crush?" Michael asked in a sing songy voice.

Your face turned fire truck red at his words and you were 100% certain that Luke was the same. The rest of the class they spent teasing Luke.

When the bell rang, you got up and collected your stuff. As you were about to leave, you dropped everything. Heaving a huge sigh you bent to pick everything up.

You felt a presence next you. When you looked up, you seen Lucas Hemmings. The boy that you can't figure out. He handed you your things and you replied with a "thank you."

"Soooo, uhm thanks for what you said. It was kind of you." You started. He gave a smile and you finished, "maybe if you'd like we could go out for some food sometime?"

The smile on his face widened even more and he quickly said, "YES! I mean uh yeah. That'd be cool."

The rest is up to your imagination....


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