Calum Hood is 20...

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CALUM THOMAS FUCKING HOOD IS 20 DAMN YEARS OLD! HOLY CRAP! I JUST AHSHAHAHA!!!!! Imma just go cry now....our babies are all grown up..
Your Pov

Alright, I have the cake, check, balloons, check, pizza, check, streamers, check. Okay, everything is all set up.

No ones Pov

You mentally and physically sighed in relief. Today is Calum's 20th birthday and you wanted everything to be perfect.

Ashton is with Calum keeping him busy, until it's all ready. Michael is sending texts to everyone, telling them when the party is and Luke is helping you set up.

Michael walked into the room and said "okay, everyone is coming." You smiled happily as you said "good. Everything is going just as it should." Luke, your older brother, rubbed you back and gave you a hug. "It's all going to be okay. Calum will love this." You mumbled "I hope so."

Now you and Calum aren't dating, but you've had a serious crush on him for 3 years. When Luke found out, he said he'd prefer you to date a band mate then some asshole who'd break your heart. So for the past 2 years he's been helping you try and win Calum. Though you've been told he likes you. You wanna be sure.

~Le random time skip~

It's time for the party. Friends and family piled in, some fans even tried, but you struck a deal with them and they left with smiles on their faces.

*RING* *RING* "Hello?" Joy answered her phone, "Alright. Bye Ashton." She hung up. "Their walking up the side walk." Everyone scattered for a hiding spot.

*Creak* *Boom*

You heard talking. The lights turned on and everyone jumped out screaming "SURPRISE!"

Ashton came over and greeted you and the boys, well Calum said hi to everyone. Finally he got to you four. "Thanks mates," Calum smiled. Suddenly Luke said, "it was all Y/N." He turned to you with a grin, "thanks." He pulled you into a hug. "You're welcome."

The two of you pulled away, when he suddenly asked, "can I talk to you? Privately?" You nodded your head, stomach in a knot. The two of you reached his room, going in and sitting on his bed.

"Listen Y/N, uhm-I," he paused and took a deep breath, "I like you. Alot." You smiled and said "I like you too." You weren't sure if he meant as a friend. He sighed and said "I like you. As more than a friend."

Smiling, you tackled him into a kiss. When you pulled away, both of you were smiling. "Best birthday ever," Calum said. Laughing, you both went down to enjoy the party, never leaving each others side.
Hey rockstars,
What did you think? Good or no? Gods, I can't believe our baby is 20...why doesn't this seem real? Like, it was literally yesterday they created the band... sorry it's so short. Comment and vote!

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