"He hits me...and kicks me...and has stabbed me on multiple occasions with a broken bottle" I say with a few pauses.

"Why didn't you come to the police before?"

"I was scared that he would kill me. I figured that I would tough it out until I was 18 and could leave on my own without being put in foster care or something" I explain

"Why are you here now, if you decided to not tell anyone?"

"My Uncle Tony" I gesture to Uncle Tony "reached out to me and I told him about the abuse. He said that I could live with him, if I told the police Gabe"

He nods and looks at Tony, Clint and Steve.

"Did anything give away the impression that something could have been wrong at home, before she told you?"

"Yes" Steve says "percy is friends with a boy who lives in Avengers tower with us and she called him one night. She said that she was hurt, so he went to get her. She was at home and was beaten almost to death. Our friend helped doctor her back to health and she told us that she was jumped in an ally. No one really thought that she would lie, but thinking back on it, it could have been her step father"

"Was it your step father?" I nod at him "do you have any proof of the abuse?"

I nod again and pull out my phone. I brin up the video that Loki magically downloaded on my phone of me being abused. "I set up my phone to record it"

He takes the phone and watches the video.

"I'll show this to my Captain before we can take legal action against your step father" He says "Mr. Stark, we will need to do a blood test to make sure you are actually related and if it comes back positive, then you will be offered custody of Percy, seeing as how she is underage and you are her only living blood relative"

"I would be happy to take the blood test and happier to accept custody of my niece" He says. His hand is still on my back, but I am still looking down. I finally stop crying.

"We authorize you to stay here while we take blood samples and test them" He says to Steve and Clint before leading Uncle Tony and I to a room with sciency stuff.

He has someone come in and they take my and Uncle Tony's blood. We go back to the room with clint and Steve to wait.

A while later Officer Stacy comes back into the room.

"We have concluded that you are, in fact, related and I have shown the captain the video. He is sending me and my partner to take him into custody for questions"

I nod and he walks over to a woman's desk. She gets up and walks over to another woman's desk. The second woman comes over to keep us company, while the first woman walks out with Officer Stacy.

A while later the woman, who is talking to Steve about bagels or something, gets a call on her walkie talkie. It's Officer Stacy saying that they brought Gabe in for qiestioning.

We are led to a room with a window that shows Gabe handcuffed to a metal table. Officer Stacy goes in and starts the interrogation

"What's your name?" He asks

"Gabe Ugliano" He snorts "You oughta know. You brought me in for nothin"

"It wasn't nothing, Mr. Ugliano" Officer Stacy says "We have been informed of you abusing your step daughter"

"By who?" He asks cockily

"Your step daughter"

"That kids got problems. Somethin's wrong in her head. Ever since her mother's death the kid's been a mess. She also got it in her head that I killed Sally. I'm tellin ya. That kid ain't right" He says. I look down and Tony puts an arm around my shoulders.

"Well, you see, we have proof. Percy gave us a video of you abusing her. She also told us plenty of information about her mother's death, which was puzzling for the people who worked that case. Some of the information didn't match up with that story, whereas the one Percy gave us ties up all loose ends." Officer Stacy explains to him.

"That's not true" Gabe says "the kid couldn't have video taped anythin. She don't have a camera or nothing"

"She's got a phone, which has the video"

"Can I talk to her" He asks "alone"

Officer Stacy says "I'll ask her if she wants to see you" He then walks out and comes to where we are

"Do you want to go see him?" Officer Stacy asks

I bite my lip and nod

He takes me to the interrogation room and unlocks the door with a key card.

He leads me into the room and stands by the door.

"I said alone" Gabe says

"I know" officer Stacy says "are you okay if I leave?"

I think for a second before nodding. He walks out and probably goes behind the two way mirror.

"Why did you want to talk to me?" I ask

"I wanted to ask why you told the police that I abused you"

"I didn't want to constant be worried about if I'm going to die because you were drunk and couldn't handle it. I'm tired of wearing makeup every day, to cover up the bruises and cuts. I don't want to die and you aren't going to be what kills me" I shout angrily

"You sure about that" He says

Before I can register what he's saying, he removes his hands from the handcuffs somehow and comes at me quickly.

He wraps his meaty hands around my neck and squeezes. I start losing oxygen and see black spots in the corners of my eyes.

About a minute later, he is pushed off of me and someone else is standing in front of me, trying to get me breathing correctly again. It's Uncle Tony.

He wraps me in a protective hug and I look over his shoulder, to the other side of the room, where Officer Stacy and his partner are locking Gabe in handcuffs again, this time more secure I hope.

Uncle Tony leads me out of the room, following Steve and Clint. Tony let's me go, to talk to the police and I go with Steve and Clint to the limo. Soon UncleTony comes out and we are driving back to Avengers tower.

Everything was quiet until I speak.

"Well that was quite eventful. Wasn't it?"

Sometimes They Win (Female Percy Jackson/ Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now