Chapter 2

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Well. Back to school. Back to life. Why can't I just stay in bed, and never come out? Life would be much better.
   "Raine you're going to be late!" I ignore my mothers calls. Chill out. Jeez.
   I slide my sweater over my head, scuff my converse on the carpet, and swing my backpack onto my shoulder.
   "Raine Melanie Smith get down here this minute or I swear. I will confiscate your violin." Her threat washes over me. She won't really. Too much practicing to do.
I trudge down the stairs, not bothering to brush my hair. They're gonna make fun of me anyway.
"Let's go. I have a meeting in 15 minutes." Julie taps away at her phone, her skinny body seem installed in her tight skirt and blouse.
"Of course you do." I mumble. She gives me a glance, but doesn't ask. She probably thinks it's just another one of my moods. Thats what it always is right?
"Don't forget your violin." Mom points at the music room. Our house is huge. Very big. Mom has a very important job in the business industry. And my dad pays child support. Even though we don't need it.
I roll my eyes and grab the yellow case from the floor. After years of carrying this violin around, I've gotten used to the weight, but today my arms almost give out under the added pounds. I feel so weak. Tired.
Shoving the confusion into the deep files of my brain, I stuff myself into the sleek silver car. Mom doesn't speak a word as we pull out of the driveway. I sit. Waiting. Not sure what exactly. Maybe for her to ask what's wrong? I don't know.
After she doesn't, I quickly plug my earbuds in. One of my favorite songs plays first. Sad Romance. A violin piece. My violin case lays in my lap, I tap my fingers in time with the beat. I close my eyes. I imagine myself standing onstage. Alone. Room dark, except for the shining concert lights. But I don't have my violin. My arms are empty, I fiddle nervously. Begging for something to do with my hands.
I don't know what I would do without my violin. It's a part of me. Taking it away, would be like removing a limb.
"Bye sweetie. I'll see you after school. I'm picking you up." She taps at her phone while I get out of the car. I don't bother answering her words. She didn't even say I love you.
I slam the car door shut and enter the middle school. I'm in eighth grade. Advanced math, advanced English, and I have an advanced violin class. Eh. I'd rather just be alone and play. I hate performing with a group. It's just not me.
The few students willing to get up this early sit in the cafeteria. All on their phones. How predictable. I pass by them and into the music wing. The orchestra room is still locked this early, so I go to the music instructors office to sign up for a practice room. I see a girl from class and she smiles. I nod but continue into the practice room.
The practice rooms are soundproof, obviously. The door is a window, but there are shades if you feel uncomfortable with people passing. I honestly don't care whether people see me or not.
I leave the shades up and lay my violin case on the desk. The room is small, but large enough to hold a piano, 3 chairs, a desk with computer, and 2 stands. Piano against back wall, chairs stacked next to it with the stands. Pretty neat for a commonly used room.
I set a stand where I will be playing, my right side to the door. Then I unpack my violin. Repeating the usual routine of rosin, shoulder rest adjustment, bow tightening, and tuning. I rush through the steps, eager to play. I place my back pack on a chair in front of the computer, and put my phone and earbuds in it.
My long wavy hair lays on my back, my hands still with focus. Quickly, I place my sheet music for the song I am currently self teaching. Actually, it's the song I was listening to earlier. Sad romance. Beautiful piece I must say.
I lay my instrument on my shoulder. Immediately I feel expanded. As if the violin is an extension of my body. Soul. Spirit. I exhale.
The piece starts slow. Piano. Largo. Vibrato, not to quick, but just enough sway to make the notes elongated and easier for the ear. I flow through the notes. The piece touching my heart, connecting with my feelings. Plaiting into a beautiful harmony of pain, music, and love. As associated with the name of the piece.
I'm in the middle of the song, when someone bursts into the room. I play a wrong note and turn in surprise. "What are you doing?" I ask the stranger. A boy. I recognize him from the halls. But not from any classes.
He's smiling widely, his shaggy black hair falling onto his glasses. He flips the locks out of his blue eyes. "You are Raine." It's not a question but I nod anyway. I pull my violin into rest position and pull my hair over my right shoulder.
"What are you doing in here. I signed in. Go get a different room." I know I sound extremely rude. But,.... No I don't really have an excuse.
"My friend told me about you. She went to your performance yesterday." He closes the door behind him and invites himself to sit. I smile a close lipped sarcastic smile. "Jess?" He nods.
"What do you want?" I ask. He shrugs and gives me a once over. Making me extremely self conscious in the process. I avoid his eyes.
"My name is Navin. Navin Scott. Pleasure to meet you." He stands and bows. I raise an eyebrow but shake his hand anyway when he offers. "So..." I mumble when he sits back down. He just looks at me. His smiles gone, but he seems to be searching my eyes. Looking for something. Well, he's not gonna find anything.
   "Are you going to join writing club." He asks blatantly. Out of nowhere. How did he know I liked writing?
   I nod. "Are you?" He shrugs. "Um. Do you, want something?" I ask. I wanted to practice this morning but at this rate...
   "No. I just want to hear you play. Wait... So yeah. I guess I do want something," he looks me dead in the eyes. "A performance." He's dead serious.
   I laugh. "I'm not just gonna play you a song. I don't know you." He looks slightly offended. "How do you not know me? I just introduced myself." He smiles jokingly. I roll my eyes.
   "Yeah whatever. Seriously though. I'm not going to." I toss my thick hair onto my back again and my bangs fall into my eyes. My bangs are so annoying. Some strands long, others short, some always in my eyes, others just sit on my nose.
   "Do you have a song with the accompany music?" He asks standing. Wow. He's tall. I look up a couple inches to his face and he smirks. He reminds me of a soccer player. Muscular, but you can't tell with his lean swift figure.
   The only piece I have with is my performance piece. wieniawski scherzo tarantelle op 16. I hand him the accompany music and he sits at the piano. His back is straight, his hands perfectly poised as he studies the sheet music. I position myself next to the piano. Are we going to play together?
   He plays a couple scales and looks at me. "Nod when you're ready." I scrunch my eyebrows. Guess we are.
   I fix my hair, position my violin, and nod. He plays the quick intro, and I'm off. He stays perfectly with me. I range in dynamics and tempo, but he follows me like a well trained puppy. Perfectly.
   I'm impressed.
   We play together, occasionally trying to one up one another. I move with great enthusiasm and speed, and he smiles. The world melts away, and it's only us. Us in a small dark room. No lights. Only the music.
   He plays with such ferocity and passion. Such happiness, yet so much grief and sadness it's overwhelming. The room becomes hot, hard to breathe in. But I keep playing nonetheless.
   We end perfectly together. The imaginary audience explodes with applause. I smile and breathe heavily. A drop of sweat falls down my temple. I swipe it away. Navin turns to me smirking. But the smile doesn't reach his eyes. He's happy, yet sad. Like his playing.
   We don't speak. Only looking at each other. Two musicians. Who play perfectly together. How odd.
   "You- you're extraordinary." I whisper blushing. Our eyes stay locked. "You as well." He stands and hands the music back. I slide it into my stuffed folder. "I better get going." He adjusts his glasses with the knuckle of a finger. He bows his head in goodbye. I wave, just as he says, "maybe I'll see you at writing club tomorrow." Then he leaves.
   What. Just. Happened.

Authors note

Hey guys, thanks to those of you who are reading and actually like it. To those of you who didn't know- I play the violin. That is one reason why I'm writing this story. Is because it relates to my life. A problem I have with reading on wattpad, I really only read books that relate to my life- to an extent of course. But yeah. I hope you liked the chapter. I promise it will start getting interesting. I'm planning some stuff. But yeah new character!! What do you think of the ominous Navin Scott? Comment your thoughts please. And just your thoughts about Raine. Thanks for reading.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2016 ⏰

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