Chapter 10: Alpha Pact

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Chapter 10:

Stiles POV

I can't believe my best friend joined him. i went to derek. I try slapping him i go in for a punch but he wakes up.

i tell him everything that has happened. scott joining deucalion. and ms blake taking melissa.

Derek POV:

i made my way to the argents and got cora into my car. i filled in the argents on what happened well mostly what happened. it looked like kora knew about what happened with scott.

Stiles POV:

i wait in the reception and i look to the door and see him. He see's me and walks up to me

" hey stiles i wonder if you can answer a few questions without the usual level of sarcasm”.

i reply with a sass" i  wonder if you can ask the questions without the usual level of stupid.”

"look i dont know what happened ok i was stuck in a elevator"

"is your dad drinking again"

"he didnt have to stop but he lowered his intake. and i didnt see anything i was stuck in the elevator"

derek's pov

i sat in the loft while isaac yelled at me. he questioned why i even made a pack. he kept yelling saying i wasing doing anything.

i felt arms wrap around me

"hey dont listen to him he's stressed out. ok we all are"

i gave a small smile

i looked into Eva's eyes and we shared a passionate kiss. then i saw her belly she looked 12 weeks pregnant. i remembered my mom telling laura that when a werewolf has a baby their pregnancy is short because the baby develops quickly and that a normal werewolf pregnancy last to 6-7 months.

i put my hand on her belly and heard 2 heart beats in their.

"Eva your having twins"


"i hear to heart beats"

i saw worry

"hey look at me"

"well find a way to get through all of this"

"ok" she gave a reasuring smile

i saw a box in the corner

"whats that"

"oh my aunt wanted me to have my mom things"

"oh okay"

"i havent looked through them yet but i will later"

Stiles POV:

i went to argents to try to get back my dad and scotts mom.

  When we get to their apartment, Argent attempts to calm Allison. He points out that he’s not been living up to the “Guardian” role. Allison says it’s no coincidence that Blake took Scott’s mother and Stiles' father and i add that someone put the Argent name in “large block letters” at the hospital which he says seems like a warning. Allison starts to suspect that Ms. Morrell is behind the warning saying the guidance counselor knows a lot more about what’s happening and might be trying to help. i look at them and i say " you  need to hurry since the lunar eclipse is two freaking nights away and that my dad could already be dead.

Chris disagrees. He says it seems Jennifer is moving pieces into place. Allison points out that Chris is one of those pieces. He says they won’t wait around to see her next move. He takes out the map of the telluric currents. But i'm dejected saying "that going after her will likely mean you get taken." Chris then says "he’s different because he’s carrying a .45 caliber pistol." and he says Jennifer has shown that she can heal from a shot to the leg and slashes to her face but wonders how she would do with “half her skull blown off.

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