chapter 8: the girl who knew too much

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Author note: so im changing the person who plays luna and from now on luna is gonna be played by lily colins.

Chapter 8:

its been like a day since me and isaac you know did stuff. so i got ready for school and i ate my breakfast and left. then i met up with aidens i looked at him and i knew he sensed it.

"did you let him do it or was it forced"


"Tell Me!"

"i let him okay."

"im gonna kill him"

"aiden no!"

"i thought you said promises are promises. well you just broke ours"

"im sorry"

"no. dont"

he walked away.

i went to school and saw isaac

"he knows and he wants to kill you."

"great things just got more complicated"

"what did something happen"

"yeah you know the sacrafices well. there was one last night appearantly"

"really. yeah it was this officer"


"well stiles is trying to find out about it."

"thats good ...well...ok lets get to class"

the day went fast and we were in literature. ms blake was talking about idioms then school finished i went home and i heard weird noises and i went it led me to my da..deucalions department. and i saw him and i think it was kylie or kora kissing each other. they pulled away and looked at me it was kylie.

i spoke

"yeah next time close the door and make sure no other wolves can hear you"

"your not angry"

"nope. i rather see dad like this instead of seeing him as a killer."

"oh okay"

"dont worry not gonna tell your sister thats your job"


"well bye"

"wait." it was my dad who spoke


"you called me dad you havent called me dad in 10 years"

"i kind of want to call you dad but with you leaving me and how you changed i end up changing my mind sometimes"


"can i go"

"yes you may. oh tell scott i say hi"


i left i had a weird feeling. a good one but then a feeling that something bad is going to happen

i got to the school and saw isaac and allison together i got that jealous feeling then i saw aiden and ethan went to sit with them

"im sorry okay im sorry about what i did with isaac"


"please i dont want to lose my best friend. also i see the way you look at lydia"

"its nothing"

"oh please. i know your in my dads pack but maybe i can talk to him and see if he changes the rules"

"oh really"

"trust if you saw what he and his lady friend where doing you would agree with this"

"lady friend.?"

'scott sister kylie"



"fine were best friends again."

i smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek. he tried to stop me it reminded me of when were little"

"you use to do that you didnt want to get my cooties"

i saw a smile form on his lips

then the concert started that bad feeling came back

the orchorstra and the conductor were acting possessed. then one of strings on the piana ripped off and cut the pianist throat. then everyone went into panic as they did a piercing scream hit my ears and others wolves too. i saw scott run and i followed.

we found lydia tied to a chair and mrs blake? was trying to kill her.

i saw bullets and i saw mr stilinksi and both me and scott shifted. he stared at us and we went in to fight ms blake but we failed she started saying stuff about the sacrifices and then kissed mr stilinksi then we saw her true form

she was Darach

then we saw them go through the window.

Deucalion's daughter (teen wolf)book 1Where stories live. Discover now