Chapter 6: Currents( re-edited)

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author note : i decided that to show more about the character and their style i would use polyvore like other users on wattpad so heres a link to an outfit that luna will wear in the story :)

Chapter 6:

we got back to beacon hills isaac went to see derek since all of us found out from ethan that he was still alive!

i decided to find a place to live and i decided to live in a condo and i just found out it was a badgood ideas since a) its a bad thing since my dad lives there too, b) its good because allison live there. oh boy. oh later i have a date with aiden!

my life is so COMPLICATED!!!!!!!!!!!

well i left for school and i had the cutest outfit ( link at the top) on. as soon as i walked in everyones eyes where on me.

lydia and allison walked up to me

"i like your outfit luna."

"thank you. lets go." we went to 1st period and then  school went by fast and it was time to go.

i was walking to the exit and i heard my dad and scott then i heard fighting and he told scott about currents. my dad walked out

" hello my darling"

i began to walk away then he grasp my hand

"let go!"

"thats no way to talk to your father!"

"you are not my father you lost that right years ago!"

he then opened the tip of his cane and slashed me with the tip.

a tear streamed down my face

"if u want me to treat you like my father act like it."


and then he left and scott came out of the classroom.

"luna what happened?"

"my dad.. deucalion slashed me in the face with the tip of his cane just because i talked back to him"

i started crying and i couldnt stop scott hugged me and try to confort me.

i sniffled "thanks" i said while wiping the tears then aiden and isaac showed up

"hey we heard you crying"  they said and they saw my scar

then aiden spoke

"he slashed you didnt he"

"well apperantly he doesnt like it when his 'daughter' talks back to him"

"i am going to kill him" i heard isaac mutter

"he's too strong"

"wait. scott why was my da....deucalion talking to you"

"well my boss was taken and apparently he knew how to save him"


then aiden turn to me

"we better get going"

"we?" i turned to isaac

"yeah remember i go out with him now and we live in the same building"

"oh okay. wait so you allison and his pack in one building"


"oh wow.well see you later"

i walked off with aiden

"so where should i take out my princess"

"princess?" i recognized that voice


"what you doing with aiden"

"we go out now"

i then looked at aiden

"uhm yeah"


"lydia whats wrong"

then i sniffed the air his smell was all over her.

"you had... with her..."

"sorry okay i saw you were with isaac so i tried to move on"


"please dont be mad..."

"im not.. ill give you another chance. a promise is a promise right?"

"okay."we left to our date but i stopped to get changed i loved the out fit i was wearing


i also decided to bring my toms just incase i had to help someone. he took me to olive garden! i loved this place since i was little

"woah. i cant believe this"


"i love this place! "

"i remembred when we where little there was an olive garden near our houses and how you said that your mom took you there and you loved it"

"omg thanks your the best" i went over to him and kissed him

"haha. lets go"

we went in and got a table and they took our orders we decided to get lasgna and for desert we got chocolate cake. then we left then aiden got a call. and he went to take it and he came back

"sorry i have to go they want me and ethan back home."


"let me drop you off okay"

"okay" i smiled

i got a text from scott saying he was going to bank. i need a car so i asked aiden to drop me off at a dealership.

i decided to get a toyota highlender since it could fit the gang if anything happened.

so i drove to the bank and i saw scott and his sister walk in.

i followed them and called their names and he turned around.

"what are you doing here. im hear to help you guys"

"oh, okay"

we went to the vaults and found deaton and a barrier of moutain ash

scott tried to break the barrier but failed. but then mr stilnksi came and shot the rope with his gun and deaten fell and he spoke to scott

"scott your eyes. they where red!"

"but im not an alpha i didnt...kill. anyone"

" yes you are but  you are True Alpha but one who rises on strength of character and sheer force of will as opposed to those who take the status from another Alpha."

scott and the rest of us were silent.

"it's rare, happening only once in a hundred years but i believed Scott had this potential in him since he was first bitten."

"wait. thats why deucalion came here. not for derek but for me"

Deucalion's daughter (teen wolf)book 1Where stories live. Discover now