What if they were asked to buy sanitary pads

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"With wings..ah!" He stretched his hand, struggling to grab the package of pads on the top shelf. "Almost there.." When a hand hovered over him grabbing the pads. He turned back and saw an attractive guy. "Need this my lady~?" Nagisa felt chills run down his spine. You sweat dropped and accepted the pads, rushing off to the counter and back home. He ran into your apartment and tackled you.

"Please don't make me go again.."


"What kind of pad did she ask for again?" He sweat dropped, looking at different types of the same pads. "Oya? Are buying them for your girlfriend?" A employer smiled kindly at karma. "What a kind boyfriend you are~" She teased karma, his face was now as red as tomatoes on sale. "I think she's talking about this." She gave karma a package of pads with wings. "Ah thank you!" he awkwardly thank her and hurried to the cashier.

once karma got home, he gave you the pads and kissed you. "Once you're off your period you're gonna repay me for buying those pads."


He blushed looking at the different types of pads. "She wanted the ones with wings? wings..oh! there you are." He grabbed the package. "Hmm..i guess i'll buy her some chocolate too." He smiled, imagining your happy face when he gives you the chocolate.

"[y/n] chan~ I'm back!" rushing to your room to give you the chocolate, he found out you were sleeping soundlessly on the bed. He pouted and put the chocolate in the fridge then proceeding to lie with you in bed,spooning you. and eventually fell asleep with you.


"Wings? They fly? really?" Maehara said in awe. He looked at the different types of pads. He grabbed a basket and filled it with all the different types of pads. He happily walked back home with a big plastic filled with pads only to be kicked by you, for buying so many pads.

"Next time just buy one or two, it looks like you bought all of them..well it looks like i have a life supply of pads now." You sighed, looking at the troublesome maehara hugging your torso, wiping his tears on your shirt.


"hmm.." He glanced around at that section. He seems calm but inside he's freaking out. He has never bought anyone pads before. "W-which one should i get.." He looked around. He grabbed one with wings and one without. "With wings...maybe i should buy both.." He bought them, calmly exiting the store before dashing back to your apartment, freaking out.

"Thank you ryun~" You hugged him, giving him a glass of water. "I'm never doing it again.."

"ehhh why not?"


He was lost in the supermarket. Completely lost. It took him about 30 minutes to reach the sanitary section with the help of some employees. "Wings? They fly? maybe i can use them in my machine. " He grabbed two package and headed to the cashier.

"Here." he gave you one of the package," Are you using the other package?" You looked at him. "It says that it has wings. Maybe i can use them in my machine." You bursted out laughing. "The wings helps to secure the pad on the underwear." You smirked. He gave you a blank stare before giving you the package and returning to the living room.



"2 packages of Pads with wings..i should get her some snacks too." He grabbed a basket and filled it with different types of your favourite snacks. "buying them for your girlfriend~?that's sweet of you." The cashier giggled. He gave her a smile,"Thank you."

"I'm back.." He gave you the plastic filled with food, your mood went up and hugged him. "Thank you gukushu~" He smiled, cuddling up with you while you devour the snacks.


when its the march holidays but you still have to come back to school -.-

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Ja matane~


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