What if they were drunk

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"Beep beep!" You picked up the phone, only to be met by a nutella's voice . "Etto, could you come down to the karaoke, your boyfriend got a bit drunk and uh...YOU'RE DRUNK SIT TF DOWN." You could hear Nutella scolding him. "Please come here and help me!! I'm dying." She whined.

Nagisa: (giggly drunk)

You arrived at your destination and was greeted by a happy Nagisa running towards you. He gave you a bear hug. "[y/n] chan~" you blushed and excused the both of you.

You tried his best to guide him up the stairs back to your apartment. "[y/n] chan~ heheh~ I can see a unicorn in your kitchen~" you giggled and lay him down on the bed. You went to the kitchen to get a glass of water and painkillers for Nagisa if he ever walks up with a hangover but when you return he was already fast asleep. You put them on the night stand beside him and got into bed with him.

~next morning~

Nagisa's eyes opened and got up, he had a massive hangover, he quickly went for the pills before looking at your sleeping peacefully beside him. He blushed tomato red, thinking back if he did anything to you.

["Anything" wink wink LMAO].

Karma: (passive drunk)

You arrived at the karaoke bar and saw karma sitting down quietly while Nutella was on a look out for you. She spotted you and waved. "Sorry [y/n] chan, he got carried away." She sweat dropped. You giggled and helped karma up. "Ja I'll see you in school tomorrow~ ja ne~"

You helped karma into your apartment and sat him on the sofa. Leaving karma to the kitchen to get painkillers and a glass of water. "You got hella drunk." You could hear karma replied weakly," yeah.."

"Did you have fun?" "Yeah.."

You smirked, taking your phone and started to record him. "Are you gay for Nagisa?"


"Would you have sex with Nagisa?"


You grinned to yourself, excited to blackmail karma the next day.

Isogai: (emotional drunk)

"Thank god [y/n] chan! I've been stuck with an emotional Isogai. Well, good luck~!" She waved you goodbye.

Before you could help him up, you could see him crying. "Isogai kun? What's wrong?" He looked at you with moe tears. "Nutella chan is a meanie. She told me to sit down and keep quiet while she called you." You laughed to yourself. "She's a good person, she doesn't want you to get injured." You pat his head like a little kid. Isogai suddenly smiled and laughed like a kid. You could only stared back at his sudden mood swings.

Maehara: (loud drunk)

"[y/n] chan!!" You hear a familiar voice. Everyone around him was staring at him because of his sudden outburst. "M-Maehara kun!" You were engulf in his bear hug. "Thank god you're here." Nutella came huffing and puffing. "He ran off without me, he was almost got hit by a car." She caught her breath.

"Well, since he found you, I'll be on my way then~ Ja ne~" she waved the two of you goodbye.

"Honestly Maehara kun, I didn't know you would get drunk." You sweat dropped and helped him back to your apartment.

The moment you set him on the bed, he grabbed your arm and pulled you into bed with him. He hugged you as if you're his pillow. "[y/n] chan smells sweet.." He muttered before falling asleep. You tried to escape from his clutch but failed miserably and fell asleep in the end.

Chiba: (passive drunk)

"Over here [y/n] chan!" Nutella waved at you. Thank you for taking care of him!" You bowed. "Don't mention it, I never thought he would survive after one shot." She laughed. "Well I'll see you in school tomorrow Ja ne~"

You saw Chiba being quiet as usual.

Is he asleep?

You shook him but no response, you brush his hair away.


you had a difficult time dragging Chiba but to your apartment. Luckily your apartment wasn't far. You prepared water and painkillers and plopped down on the bed beside him. "Good night Chiba." You kissed him good night before drifting off to sleep.

Asano: (passive drunk)

"[y/n] chan!" You spotted Nutella waving at you. You found Asano sitting down quietly, soft hiccups could be heard. "I'm kinda worried, he hasn't said anything after we left the karaoke. Well, I'll leave him in your hands. Ja ne~" she waved you goodbye.

You helped Asano up and walked back to your apartment. "Are you okay?" He simple nodded, swaying left and right. You entered your apartment and set him down onto your bed.

Before you could leave to get a glass of water and painkillers, he grabbed your hand and kissed you sloppily. "Don't..leave me..." His voice filled with lust. He begin kissing down your collarbone, making you moan. Just as he was about to undress you completely, he blacked out.

Itona: (loud drunk)

"I'm going~ to kill Koro sensei~! He is weak! I am strong~!" You followed the familiar voice, leading you to Nutella and Itona shouting at the top of his lungs. "Thank god you're here!!" Nutella hugged you. "Itona has been shouting that he's the best." she whined. "Thank you for taking care of him, sorry to disturb you." You bowed politely. "Don't mention it but maybe next time I won't offer him alcohol. Ja ne~ see you in school tomorrow and good luck with itona!" she waved.

You got Itona up and headed back to your apartment. You had to deal with Itona's exclaiming that he was the strongest in the universe and no one would beat him. You giggled at how outgoing he is compared to how he is in the classroom.

You set him onto your bed and he instantly fell asleep. You kissed him goodnight and set a glass of water and painkillers on the night stand beside him. You got your pillow and slept on the sofa.


My heart died a little reading chapter 177 :")

Rip me

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Ja matane~


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