19. Everything is turned to rust

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Logan kept running. He just moved. He didn't feel real, nothing did; it all felt like he was dreaming. The running, the constant vaulting over objects, everything. He turned back, his legs aching, and saw the fire was catching up with him. He looked around, searching for a solution, only to see forest. He kept moving ahead, following the path that had been just recently matted down.

He finally got to a clearing, where he noticed train-tracks ran under him, moving east to west. Logan looked in each direction, searching for any sign of human activity. Sadly, there was nothing. He decided to head east, away from the fire. He kept moving, not thinking. In an instant, the fire jumped to the other side of the tracks. He whirled around, wishing he hadn't; he was encircled by a ring of fire. Logan cursed loudly, and kept spinning in circles. He knew there were only two options, and he wasn't ready to take option two. He ran to the eastern side of the fire, and lunged through the searing hot flames. His back was immediately burned, so he got on the ground. He rolled down the northern side of the hill, putting out the fire.

A split-second later, he smacked into a barrel at the bottom of a hill, giving him a headache. He stood up, and inspected the mysterious object. It isn't rusted, but it isn't new; Logan thought. It has definitely been used before, because there were stains on the sides of the barrel. Logan kicked it, and fell over in pain-it was filled with water. Logan looked up, and saw a gas mask looking back into his eyes. He was immediately knocked out-cold.

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Edward sat down besides Misty, who was watching the fire light the entire forest into an eerie red-orange. The group had found a cliff to camp on, they could overlook the entire forest. Jack, Ethan, and Finn were all looking for any sign Logan was following them. Edward moved closer to Misty, and put his arm around her. She put her head into the gap between his head and his shoulders. They were all at peace, only thing missing was Logan. Once they found him, they would be on their way. Edward scooted back, and leaned back on his hands. He looked at Misty's dark-blue eyes, they seemed to almost go on forever. "Misty, I've been wondering; where are we going after Logan arrives? We could go anywhere in the world. I'm sure the guys wouldn't mind where we go, they don't have anywhere to be. It's all up to you." Edward finished, moving back a strand of her dark hair covering her right eye.

Misty couldn't think of anywhere she wanted to go. She could go anywhere, she had always dreamed of traveling, and now she can-but here she is, not wanting to move from this spot. She didn't want to ever leave Edward. To answer Edward's question, she leaned up to Edward's lips, and pecked them with her own. Edward didn't need any answer after that. He gave her a hug, and stood up. "I have to go talk to Jack."

Edward approached Jack slowly, trying not to startle him-he failed. Edward spoke first, before Jack even knew Edward was near. "Hey," Jack jumped. "Sorry, but I was meaning to talk to you." Jack removed the binoculars from his eyes, and turned around.

Jack rubbed his saggy eyes. "Yeah, Edward, what is it?" He was obviously annoyed, but he was also tired-and drunk.

Edward finally asked the question- "So what if Logan was in the fire, and he didn't get out? We need to go find him. It's been almost three hours. I say we get Ethan, and Finn, and go get him. He could have gotten lost, you never know-" Edward was cut out by a large flare launching up from an area the fire has yet to touch. Ethan and Finn greeted Edward and Jack at the tent's open flap.

"We need to get moving. I believe that could be our guy," Ethan announced. Jack looked at Finn, who just shrugged. Edward ran over to the quad they had found earlier, and started the engine. Ethan hopped on the back of it, and Finn got into the "Trailer" they had made. The trailer was just some wood put together on an axis of two wheels, with a hook attaching it to the quad.

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