chapter three

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I was sitting in my backyard writing when my brother came out and sat next to me under the tree I was sitting under. he looked at me and said, "it's getting dark out Nat?" I nod and say, "night is the best time to write." he strokes my cheek and says, "don't stay out to late lil'sis." I nod and say, "I won't." he stands up and goes back inside and I sigh and slump against the tree. I hear a twig snap in the woods behind our house so I sit up quickly and listen for something else. I hear nothing and slowly relax but almost scream when I see a huge wolf come out of the woods. I noticed it was the same wolf from my sketch in class. I stay stiff as it comes toward me and slowly lays its head on my lap in a submissive stance. I slowly start to pet its head cautiously. the wolf made this sound kinda like a purr and I asked quietly, "do you like that?" the wolf grunts and I take that as a yes. we stay in the position for awhile and I start to feel my eyes droop. my hand stops and my head leans back against the tree. when my eyes shut I hear my wolf whine at me then pull me forward and wrap itself around me like he would protect me. I feel myself slipping into sleep when I feel myself lean against my wolf...

I feel myself getting carried somewhere but I'm cold so I smuggle into whoever is carrying me. I am really Comfy in the persons arms so I fall back asleep. the next time I wake up I am in bed and hearing my alarm going off. I sit up and run my fingers threw my hair trying to remember what happened last night. i look down at and see that I am still in my clothes from yesterday. then I remember sitting outside last night writing when my wolf came out of the woods. I can't believe I cuddled with it and fell asleep. I don't even remember coming inside... oh well. I start getting ready and once again it is raining. I leave my crutches home today and put my knee brace on. this one I like cause it can go under clothes. I make it to school and make my way to my locker. when I am almost there I get shoved into a locker and then on the ground. I grunt in pain and when I get flipped over Tiffani sits on my stomach and sneers, "why did Jason Thomas follow you home yesterday Natalie??!" I shake my head and say, "I don't know I didn't see him!" she grabs my shirt and pulls me up then slams me down, "liar! tell me why!" I start crying and say, "I'm telling the truth!" she slaps me and yells, "stop lying!" I was about to say something when Tiffani is thrown from my body and hunter pulls me up into a hug while Jason has her against a locker yelling, "don't touch her again!" he lets her go and comes over while I have my face shoved into hunter's chest. he asks, "are you okay??" I nod but keep my face shoved in hunter's chest. I hear a growl kinda like my wolf's but I ignore it. hunter leads me to my locker and I grab my things that I need and he leads me to my first class...


*last night*

it was around 8 when I decided to go pay my mates house a visit. I had told my parents that I found my mate and my mother freaked out and my father just slapped my shoulder in congrats. I hadn't told them where I was going but I didn't need to. I went into the woods and stripped my clothing off before shifting into my wolf, picking up my clothes and taking off to my mates house. when I get to the edge of her yard I see her sitting against a tree writing, I hear the slider open and see hunter walk toward my mate. they exchange some words and he strokes her cheek and says something before going back inside. I wait a few moments before stepping forward but i step on a branch so I freeze and watch as she freezes as well. she relaxes and I step out into the yard and watch as fear floods her eyes. I walk towards her and slowly put my head on her lap in submission. cautiously she starts petting my head and I can't help but hum in satisfaction. she hears and asks, "do you like that?" I grunt and she continues. after awhile she slowly stops and her breathing slows down. I whine and slide her forward then protectively wrap around her also to keep her warm. her breath evens out and she leans into my side. I smile a wolfy grin and lie my head on my paws. I watch as all the lights in the house go off and lightly unwrap myself from my mate and run over to my clothes. I shift and get dressed then quietly walk over to Natalie and carefully pick her up and walk towards the back door. halfway to her room she shifts closer to me and falls back asleep. when I reach her room I don't dare change her cause I wolf will make me mark her and claim her and she won't want that. I tuck her in and quickly and quietly get out of her house and into the safety of the woods...

the next morning I trudge my way to school and I see hunter so I run up to him and say, "hey man." he nods at me and he snaps his head to the side and says, "shit, not again." he looks at me and says, "got to go." he takes off and I follow him. I see a crowd forming and I hear Tiffani yell, "liar! tell me why!" I hear crying and Natalie's voice say, "I'm telling the truth!" I hear a 'SLAP' and Tiffani yell, "stop lying!" my wolf has had enough, I pull Tiffani off of my mate and slam her against a locker yelling, "don't touch her again!" I drop her and walk towards my mate who is wrapped in her brothers arms. I reach them and ask, "are you ok?" she nods but doesn't look at me, I growl lowly and I see hunter give me a sympathetic look and start to lead her to her locker and our class.

at lunch I was looking around for my mate and I see her walk in with a group of guys picking on her. I feel my wolf start to rise. Jackson touches my arm and says, "bro, what's up?" I keep staring at my mate and I just point. he looks and says, "oh...I know that look. ella you and Jason go stop them and invite her over here!" I snap my eyes from my mate to ella then Jackson and nod. ella and I walk over to the group and ella snaps, "hey assholes! why don't you pick on someone your own size before I end you." she has a crazed look in her eyes and I can tell it's her wolf. they look at her and laugh, "you think you can "end" us pretty little lady? I'd like to see you try." he should not have said that, she chuckles a dark laugh and says, "I would but I don't want to get expelled my second day." I notice my mate inching towards us and one of the guys notices and snaps, "aye loser where you think your going?" I pull her behind me and say, "don't touch her!" he backs off and ella flips the rest off before grabbing my mates hand and pulling her to our table.


I can't believe they stood up for me. no one ever does. when we sit at the table I am next to Jason and a girl with dyed red hair and brown eyes. across from me is the girl who was with jason earlier, she has red hair with green eyes, im not lesbian but she has full and i mean full lips. next to her is another boy with dark brown hair and brown eyes, i noticed his jaw is crooked.on the other side of her is a girl with long brown hair and brown eyes, she had tan skin. next to the girl next to me was a boy with short light brown hair and brown eyes. at the end of the table there was a boy who looked exactly like the boy next to the red haired girl, and a girl with long brown hair and brown eyes, geez they all have brown eyes practically. the girl sitting next to me turns to me bouncing slightly and says, "hi i'm anna! the guy across from jason is kai, next to him is ella, then payton, nikali, melissa, and nikali's twin jackson." i wave to them and they all wave back. payton asks, "so, natalie is it?" i nod and she continues, "why is everyone so mean to you?" i shrug and i feel a pair of hands on my shoulders, i get the twin link and say, "yes my twin?" i turn around and his mouth drops open and he says, "how do you always do that?! anyway, mom said that the studio called for you to go down and record after school." i squeal and say, "finally! its been two months! thanks hunter!" he doesn't go so i ask, "yeah?" he points to everyone and asks, "who are your friends?" i say, "oh, you already know jason, this is kai, ella, payton, nikali melissa, jackson, and anna." he nods and their side of the table moves down one and kai says, "come on bro take a seat." hunter looks at me and i nod and say, "they dont bite, do you?" they shake their heads and hunter fake smiles and mind links me (twin bonds rule!) 'i'm going with you today'

i say out loud, "no hunter." he throws his hands up and says, "why the hell not?" i sigh and say crossing my arms, "last time you came to the studio with me you messed up the control panel and they fined you 5,000 dollars." the whole table cracks up and he sinks in his seat and i say, "the only way i'm bringing you is if we are handcuffed and your hands are ducktaped together." he nods and says, "done." jason snorts and says coldly, "why do you want to go so bad?" hunter leans forward with his mouth wide open and says, "my sister, is one of the best singers i know, thats why she has a recording contract, and why our cousin micah is back in town to record with her." i spit out the water i had in my mouth on hunter and say, "sorry bro, micah's back from his tour?!" hunter nods and says, "yep, ew nat." i squeal and say, " im so excited! i have been waiting to record with him!" everyone looks at me and i say, "what?" they shake their heads and the bell rings.

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