chapter one

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       I hate school...I hate it. I have no friends and everyone picks on me for wearing glasses that are big framed. Oh duh well let me introduce myself, my name is Natalie Leanna Johnson, I am 18 almost 19 and a senior at Arlington High school in Arlington, Washington. I have long auburn hair and brown eyes. My twin is Hunter Micheal Johnson and he looks like me but has a dark shade of blue eyes, hunter stands at 6'5 and he towers over my 5'4 frame. We live close enough to the school that we can walk but our parents gave us cars, I only use mine to go to school if it is pouring down rain or if I have things to do after school, I mostly have to use my car in the rainy seasons...haha I crack myself up it always rains in western Washington. Some of my hobbies are singing, reading, and writing. With writing I feel like I can really connect to my characters and give them emotions. Well before I spill anymore I need to head to the store to stock my mini fridge with my life beverage. Dr. Pepper.  

      I look out my window for a weather check and see that it is raining so I roll out of bed and pull on my yoga pants, over my Pacman/abbey road shirt I pull on my green 'black lake bible camp' sweatshirt (best camp ever!!!) I grab my glasses off my night stand, put them on then grab my key chain off its place on my wall along with my hunger games drawstring bag. I put my phone and wallet in my bag and head downstairs. When I enter the kitchen hunter is sitting at the computer on Facebook and my mom is in front of the oven cooking. Dad is sitting on the couch watching golf. I say, "morning everyone." They say it back and I walk up to my mom and ask, "what's for breakfast mama?" She smiles at me and says, "well we have eggs, bacon, hash browns, pancakes, and waffles." I smile and say, "yummy! After breakfast I'm running to Safeway to restock my fridge." She nods and hands me a plate, I thank her and sit at the island before she calls the guys. Hunter plops down next to me and I ruffle his hair and say, "you look exhausted hunt, what's up?" He sighs and says, "had another nightmare last night." I give him a side hug and say, "I'm sorry hunt." He shrugs and says, "its fine I'll just take a nap later." I nod and continue emptying my plate. 

       I finish my food and rinse my plate off and put it in the sink and say goodbye to everyone before putting on my tennis shoes and leaving the house. I walk up to my 2010 Hyundai Elantra and unlock the door and get in. I shiver from the cold and take my hood off while starting the car... I run into the Safeway after locking my car and i shake the water from my hair when my hood fell off while i was running, i grab a basket and head to the candy section and my basket halfway with candy and then i head to the office supplies isle and grab two packs of paper, a bottle of white out, 3 spiral notebooks, and mechanical pencils. i set the basket down and start sliding it to the drinks isle and grab a 12-pack and a 24-pack of Dr. Pepper and then head to check out. halfway to check out i accidentally bump into someone and almost drop my drinks but don't and i say, "oh my gosh i'm so sorry!" i feel tingles as I put one of my boxes down and slide my glasses back up and the guy growls. I take a half step back and pick my Dr. Pepper back up and sliding the basket sideways before saying, "sorry." i make it to check out and i put the two cases of soda on the conveyor belt and then the basket and john the checker says, "good morning Natalie." i smile and say, "good morning john, how are the wife and kids?" his face lights up and says, "fantastic!" i nod and say, "that's great!" he looks at what i have and say, "need to restock again? you just bought a 12-pack and a 24-pack last week!?" i shrug and say, "what can i say i love Dr. Pepper." john laughs and says, "also got more story and song ideas?" i smile huge and nod. a voice clears their throat and its the guy who i ran into. john rings me up and says, "that will be 35.67, Nat." i hand him a 50 and he gives me my change and he says, "have a good day Natalie." i nod and grab all my bags and soda and say, "you too john." i make it to the door and i feel someone burning a whole in the back of my head and i ignore it while i quickly put all my bags in my pack and get a good grip on the soda before sprinting to my car. 

       i open the back door and set the soda down before peeling my pack off and putting it in also. i close the door and jump in the drivers seat. i decide i would wait till the guy i bumped into came out to get a good look at him, when i see him my breath goes uneven, he has blue eyes, a square jaw, dark hair that is spiked up in the front, but his expression is cold and hard. my phone rings and i snap my gaze away from the boy that seems to have caught my attention, "hello?" my mother sighs and says, "hey dear can you pick up sugar and flour?" i sigh and say, "only cause i love you cause i was just about to start the car." i pull up my hood and open the door and say, "you owe my mama its pouring." I shut it and she says, "yes dear. thank you!" I hang up and put my phone back in my bag before opening my door again and shut it while springing across the parking lot. but with my luck I slip and fall on the ground and hit my back hard, I gasp for breath as I hear a screech and look up to see a car coming toward me. I scream and roll onto my stomach before digging my feet into the concrete and launch out of the cars path onto the undercover of the store. I sit up and look around and see mystery guy with wide eyes but what freaks me out is that his eyes are black. I snap my gaze to my knee and wince, I roll my left pant leg up and see that there is a small gash in it while. I gag and roll it down and roll over to help myself stand up. I limp into the store with one last look at mystery guy and he is still in the same place.

      I look away and quickly grab what I need. I limp as fast as I can to my car and quickly put the items in the back and get in the car without hurting my knee further. I start the car and pull out of the parking lot and drive home. when I pull in hunter runs out and asks, "need help sis?" I nod and say, "I almost died." hunter stops and says, "what?" I get out and he pulls me into a hug and says, "Nat..your soaked. go inside I got your things." I smile at him and say, "thank you." he nods and I limp into the house, I walk over to mom and say, "you need to help me clean my knee." she nods and I jump up onto the counter and wince. mom brings a first aid kit and I roll up my pant leg and mama gasps and says, "Natalie Leanna how did this happen?!" hunter comes in and I say, "I was running to the door of the store and I slipped and then a car almost hit me but I jumped out of the way." mama gasps and hunter stands there and his face pales.  

      After mama was done fixing my knee up she made me use crutches till we can go to the doctor. hunter carried all my stuff upstairs for me and then helped me up them. I thanked him and then I sat down on my floor and started filling my fridge. 


      my beta and I were getting some snacks when I smelt something intoxicating, apple's and cinnamon, with a hint of pumpkin. I didn't see anyone so I follow the scent, I also notice how it was a human scent. I get to the drink isle and I see a girl with auburn hair up in a ponytail holding two cases of soda and kicking a basket. she has her head down so she runs into me, I feel tingles and my wolf screams 'mate!' as she says, "oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" I growl and I see her push her glasses up her face and take a step back. she picks the case of soda she had up and move the basket and continues down the isle...I was having a smoke when I saw my mate open her car door. the door shuts and I listen to what she says, "you owe me mama, it's pouring." I don't hear what 'mama' said but then she opens the door again and quickly shuts it and sprints to the door of the store but she slips and lands on her back hard. my wolf starts freaking out, 'go to mate! she could be hurt!' I hear tires screech and look up to see a car coming toward my little mate. she screams and rolls over and launches herself onto dry concrete. I can feel my eyes turn black and I watch as she sits up and looks around to see if anyone saw and when her eyes land on my they widen and I see confusion in them. she looks down at her knee and winces, I take a step forward but Jackson my beta stops me, "bro don't. she's human." I shake him off and keep staring at her, I clench my jaw and watch as she rolls her pant leg up. she gags and rolls it back down. she rolls onto her stomach and pushes herself up onto her feet. she looks at me once more and enters the store with a major limp. 

Jackson pulls me and says, "c'mon man we gotta go." I nod stiffly and get in the car and he drives away just as my little mate limps out of the store.. Natalie, I will have you soon my dear.

A/N: was this any good.. when I typed this I was actually describing the outfit I was wearing. Haha

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