"America let go!"

"I'm sorry but you can't hurt new girl!!!


Everyone was dragging Italy out. He was still screaming, but it was a faint noise.

England looked at the food. Probably overwhelmed that I did this.

I blushed at the thought.

"Do you want to eat?" I ask quietly.

He nods smiling, a magnificent row of teeth showing.

He starts to eat his pasta. My insides feel like a parade. Waiting forever to show its real self and be loud and make everyone happy.

That's all I want in the world. I want to make everything in the world good. Not in a weird inspirational way, but in a "nice, warm, fun" way.

"(Y/N) this is really good." England yells.

If I didn't know any better, I'd think he's in love with it. I giggle in a girly way which makes me feel awkward inside.

"The power of reading!" I say.

We both laugh. The next few moments are silent.

I start to think about my old life. My old friends, family, school. Is all of that gone?

I was never the most popular person. I had a limited amount of friends and that's why I love it here.

I'm not sure if I want to go back. I hope I don't. I like living with England, I like my room....

Why was there already a girls room? Am I not the first girl who ended up here?

"England?" I say watching him lift his head from his pasta.

"Did you know I was coming here?" I ask.

Some of the pasta from his mouth fell but he quickly contained himself.

"Some girls come here."

I don't know how to interpret that. Either he's a player, chick magnet or confused girls just end up here.

He saw my confused look and chuckled.

"Not like that, its just that girls end up at my door, I don't even know where they come from! And they stay for a while and leave one night. It happens every time.....they never come back."

I hope I don't leave. I love it here.

I finish my pasta and go over to England and hug him.

He kisses my cheek and we stay there for a while.

I take his dish away and start the dishes. England stays in the bar chair next to the island staring at me.

His face his sad and his eyes are glassy and watery.

I stop what I'm doing and drag him over to the couch.

"One time at school, I was walking and slipped backward on a plastic spoon with chocolate on it." I say with no emotion.

His upset face turns into a wide smile and he starts laughing.

I laugh with him because it was kinda funny.

"Thank you (Y/N). For everything." He whispers.

He then starts kissing me. I internally smile and freak out in my mind.

After a while I realize that we're making out. How do I get out of this!? This has been going on for too long.

I open my eyes and see that England is unbuttoning his plaid green and blue shirt.

No no no!! This is not happening! For starters I'm 14 and also GROSS!!!!!

I place my hands on his and back away.

"(Y/N) what's wrong." He asks quietly.

How do I tell him this?

"Um. I think we should stop." I whisper.

He looks concerned.

"Why?" He asks.

"Because England! I'm 14! How old are you?!"


"Exactly! We are way to young to be doing anything like that! I'm sorry England, but I can't."

I look at his eyes and they go from a crystal green to a dark greenish gray.

His face turns mad again and he leaves the room.

Tears start to creep down my face and I run to the sink to turn on the water. I start to cry, the water blocking my sadness from being heard.

As soon as my eyes are dry, I finish the dishes and walk to the hallway with all the bedrooms.

I see England's door closed. I thought he was going to be with me tonight? Since I have my bad dreams.

I twist the doorknob but its locked. I let out a loud sob but hold the rest until I get to my room.

I lay on my sheets faced down. My head hurts from all the crying and my eyes hurt like hell.

I soon fall asleep.

Hetalia England X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now