The Bitch is Back

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Yus guys, it's ACDC
Penny's POV
6 months since the scan, 7 months since Baz left. And I'm fed the fuck up.
The radio drones on and on, it never stop. BBC Radio 1. Dev. Edmund. Alice. Dev. Edmund. Alice. Nick. Nick. Nick. Pig. Chris. Dev. Alice. Nick. Edmund...... Simon you could never get fed up of him, could you? His little baby face, his adorable blonde curls. If only you knew, if only you knew. His lack of exercise and malnutrition wasn't good for the baby.
That's all you can think about isn't it, Penny? Just because you can't conceive, you jealous of a pregnant man! Hahahaha! Look at that! You are!
Wait a second Penny, you haven't told Micah have you? You inability to conceive, he will be angry, mad, furious-
No he won't, he will be happy, he wants to adopt, help the children. Yeah, he, he will be happy.
Oh, but you are so unsure, you don't know, maybe we should tell him, a little text can't hurt can it?
I couldn't hold it in anymore, I reached for the phone.
"Hi! It's BBC Radio 1 here! What song would you like?" An overly cheerful voice bounced into my ears.
"Wake Up by the Vamps please" I answered. "Also, can I add a message?"
"Of course, what would you like to say? No swearing please, nice clean language." Hmmmm this might be harder than thought.
"To my Best Friends Simon and Baz, wake up, ummmmm, can I say gay pricks? Because they have been like sloths for seven months and haven't made up yet, something BIG is happening soon and we need both there and-"
"- wait, did you just say they were Gay?" She questioned shocked
"Yes." I replied acidly. "You got a problem with that? Because the way you said it seemed so." As much as I hated them right now, they were my best and only friends and I want gonna let some daughter of a bitch, bitch about them.
"-er no! Not at all!" She replied hastily, she seemed to hear my voice and back off, but still she had a problem.
"You do! You bitch! Just because they are gay, does not mean you judge a book by its cover! You got to read the story inside! And it's clear, Bitch that you do not read." She faltered. "My message is:
To Simon and Baz, wake up! You can't see with your eyes closed!" I hung up with her, to flustered and annoyed to say a word.
Well done Penny, I knew you had it in you.
I'm sort of imagining the voice in her head to be a lot like Peeves.

So hey guys? How ya doing? I'm ill 🙁🤒🤒
I haven't got much to say today, so grant your selves lucky.
Also we reached 1k reads!!! Thanks so much guys, you don't know how much I appreciate it! ❤️❤️ Also I love seeing all your funny comments! Any ways
From Me

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