chapter 7

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\kenzie POV/
I woke up to the sound of yelling, I sat up and looked around. I got out of bed and walked in the living room to see mark playing a game, "OH FUCK U!" Mark yelled slamming the controller down making me jump. Mark noticed and looked at me with soft eyes, "good morning" he said softly like I was a scared animal and if he did anything wrong I would ran....which is something that could happen again. "Sorry about scaring u,Wanna come watch me play?" Mark asked, I shook my head. "Ok, well if u want to know where jack and his friend is, their in the kitchen" mark said smiling a bit. I nodded and started to walk to the kitchen. I saw jack talking to april, when they saw me april smiled. "Good morning, kenzie" she said nicely. I waved, "is mark up?" She asked. I nodded, "I think he is playing something" I said tiredly. April nodded and looked at jack, jack sighed and got up and walked off, when he walked past me he smiled at me and I smiled back. "Do u want some pancakes?" April asked nicely. "Yes please, thank you" I said. She smiled and nodded and then got and walked over to the stove and begin to cook. 'I wonder where jack went." I thought and started to walk in the living room. I see mark still playing his game and jack was sitting on couch next to mark and was watching him, "DAMN IT!!!!" Mark yelled. I ignored the fear rising in my chest and walked over to the couch, "hello kenzie!" Jack said smiling, I smiled and waved. Mark looked at me and then the screen, jack noticed this and told me to come and sit with him. I nodded an ok and walk over and sat next to jack, "YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT!!!!" Mark yelled slamming his hand on the couch, jack laughed but I was just staring at Mark's red angry face with fear starting to Settle In me. Jack looked over at me and then mark, "mark,calm down" He said. Mark looked at Jack and then sighed before he gave the control to me, "here" he said. Jack narrowed his eyes at mark and then looked at me, "would u like to play?" Jack asked. "What game?" I asked. Jack shrugged, "oh ok, then no I don't want to" I said. Mark calm down a bit and looked at me and jack and was about to say something until April called, "KENZIE YOUR PANCAKES R READY!!!" I smiled and got off the couch and walked into the kitchen, april gave my food and I said thank u. She smiled and nodded, I walked over to the table and started eating. While I was eating I see mark walk over to me and sits next to me, "kenzie, u don't mind if I ask u some questions?" Mark asked sounding a bit serious.

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