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1 week later

"I actually cannot believe that we're gonna be living in the same house."
Exclaims Piper excitedly.
"I know! It's going to be so fun!"
I squeal.
She's already has all her stuff packed because she was moving either way.

We had to have this super long talk yesterday with my dads and her moms.

It lasted like a solid 3 hours.
But I don't even care! This is the best day of my entire life!
Oh wait, no, the day I got adopted was!
And Presidents' Day. I looooove Presidents' Day.

"Are you going to miss your moms?"
I ask as I help her unpack her clothes into my room.

Our room I mean.
My room is literally huge so we have enough space. Even thought we have other rooms, we both want to share one.

"Oh definitely. I love them so much I can't describe it. But i will always call and face time."
She answers, opening another box.

"And, Aunt Sara is basically another mom to me.
Sara was super upset we were moving.
Now she's so happy that here.

I'm so surprised my moms let me stay. Like seriously.
It's like we're in a movie!"
She laughs. I chuckle and nod.

Storm hops off my bed and lays down on her clothes.

I say sternly and try and push him off.

Piper giggles and slides the clothes out from underneath him.
"I'm so excited. It's like a 5 year sleepover"
I laugh. She chuckles and closes the drawer.
"We need a break!" She says sanding up and stretching.

"I couldn't agree more. Wanna play a game?" I suggest.
"What kinda game?" She asks.

I think for a minute but then come up with the perfect idea.

"Ooh. Let's vlog."
I say running to my bed and picking up the camera Joey gave me.

"I have little segments on Joeys channel."
I tell her. She smiles widely and walks over.

"I even mock Joeys 'slang'"
I chuckle.
I click the camera on and press R.E.C
And the little red button turns on.

"Ah! Good day everyone!"
I say waving my arm around.

Piper giggles and steps into frame.

"This is Piper as you have seen in previous videos, today we are u packing, but we're to bored so now we show go scare daddies."
I say.

"Let's do it"
Piper says. We walk out of my room and go just outside their door.

"Okay so.."
I start.

Are you kidding?

Piper says holding in a laugh.

I roll my eyes and chuckle.
"Okay if you listen real well, you can hear them gasping for air"
I say.

"This is nasty. Let's go"
Piper chuckles. We walk back downstairs and into the kitchen.

I turn off and put down the camera and pick up the phone.
"Wanna invite Kyle and Paul over?"
I suggest and nods and I begin dialing in their number. Pauls first.

I hand the phone to Piper and she presses it against her ear.

"Hi Paula."
She starts. I hear a muffled voice on the other end but can't make it out.

"Okay well if y'all wanna come over you can. We're just hangin."
She says and then hangs up.

"Pauls with Kyle. They're playing video games."
Piper says. I put it back on the charger.

"Do you still have a crush on him?"
I ask laughing.

She snaps. I chuckle and nod.
"You so do. Do you wish to date him in like 5 years?"
I ask.she sighs and rolls her eyes at me.

I widen my eyes and "aww" at her.
She punches my arm lightly and sits down on the couch.

"I'm really happy you're staying"
I tell her, honestly.
"Me to. I love ya to bits, Bell."
She says.
"And I you."
I say.

Best times of my life. They're happening now.

Adopted By Janiel {Book 2}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن