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Iz u good? Iz u o k cuz I rlly wanted 2 no.


"Come on in"
I say opening the door.

Piper walks in with a sad look on her face.

"What's wrong?" I say as we sit down on the couch.
"My mom.."
She starts. I put my hand on her leg and try to comfort her.

"She got a job"
She says. I furrow my eyebrows a little bit.

"How is that bad? Isn't that good news?"

I ask. She bakes her head and rubs her nose.

"Well, I mean yeah... But we have to move."
I widen my eyes.

Move? Like away?

"Like to a new house? New neighborhood?"
I ask, but I have the feeling...
Please no.

"We're moving to San Antonio"

(Cue Hannah Montana theme song)

Adopted By Janiel {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now