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"Ah! My baby!"
Hope yells as she opens the door.
I chuckle and she opens her arms.
I step forward and hug her.

"Ooo. And who is this little lady?"
She says changing he gaze to Piper.

"This is one of my bestfriend's Piper. Piper this is my godmother Hope."

"Ooo! You're the wig right?"

"In the flesh!"
Hope says flipping her hair.

We chuckle and walk into her house.


We spend a few minutes catching up, but then do our nails and hair and girly things.

"Okay so, tell me about Paul. What did you guys meet?"
Hope asks Piper.

"We met when we were 7, my dog Nummy ran out and went up to his dog Gloria and so we just started talking and then he asked me if we wanted to be friend."
Hope chuckles
And she finishes the purple nail polish on Pipers thumbnail.

"Aww. Paul and Piper. That sounds cute"
I state.
Piper rolls her eyes and hope agrees.

"How are the men by the way?"
Hope asks.

"Joeys been prerecording a lot of stuff. And Daniel has a cold.
But it's still gross cause Joey still kisses him!"
I say.

"Boys are nasty."
Hope says.
Me and Piper laugh and carry on.


Random filer. Idk.

Adopted By Janiel {Book 2}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora