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I run over to Kyle.

I don't really know what I should say, but I do know he mad her angry.

"Okay listen up, Kessica steals friends away from bestfriends.
She did this to me, and Lisa, and Jenny, and Kennith, and Julia, and now she's done it to Norabella.
Norabella has been through so much, and now you're just hurting her more.
She doesn't deserve to be replaced with a trashy girl who seriously hurt Norabellas feelings.
I'm a girl, I understand these things.

You're not going to stop apologizing to her because I can tell y'alls friendship is very important to her.
Okay now I'm going to never ever stop being friends with Norabella.
We both know she's incredible, she needs love.
And we are her bestfriends, we're gonna give her that love that she needs.


Whew did that take the breath out of me!
Kyle just nods.
I smile and walk back over to Norabella.

"What did you say to him?"
She asks as I sit down.
"The truth."
I reply.
She looks confused, but nods.

"Don't worry, I think it's all gonna be fixed by next month."
I say.
She chuckles.

I hope.


Piper walls back over to Norabella.

Ugh what have I done?

I've hurt my bestfriends feelings that what I've done.

I wish I never met Kessica.
I don't really even know why I had s crush on her.

I definitely don't anymore.

All that matters is getting Norabella to be my best friend again.

Hopefully this happens...


Adopted By Janiel {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now