Both of them continued bickering among themselves, turning into a brawl right after which affected the other quieter members as well.

"Now, now Natsu.. This isn't something to get-" Happy said in attempt to calm him down but was soon pulled into the fight involuntarily. Soon, practically the whole guild were fighting, showing no mercy at all.

"Holy shit." I let out, a smile slowly drawing itself on my face while Lucy mirrored the same grin as we both watched the commotion.

"Wow. I've actually made it in Fairy Tail.." Lucy hummed, feeling a tiny bit emotional to have finally join her dream guild.

"Huh?! So, Natsu's back?!" Lucy reddened in surprise upon seeing the ravenette's choice of clothing: just underwear.

The ravenette then slowly started making his way to the ruckus just near us. "It's time to settle things from the other day, Natsu!"

"Hey, underwear boy! Your clothes!" I pointed out while covering Lucy's eyes. He looked down with a shocked expression, "Whoops!"

"This is why all the men here have no class." The brown haired girl with blue bikini top, capri pants, and a pair of sandals. Drink on hand at the bar, the girl let out a sigh before chugging down a whole barrel of booze. I envy people who can handle their drinks.

"Let's do this!" The ravenette yelled out to Natsu who was busy pinning someone down. Natsu peered over to him then howled back with a "Gray, put some clothes on and have at me!"

"All this crying and whining before noon?" A large buff guy commented while standing near us with his arms crossed, "What a bunch of babies!"

We both had to crane our heads upwards to face the albino haired guy, "If you're a man, then talk with your fists!"

"He's totally encouraging this.." Lucy muttered to me sweat dropping.

Natsu and the ravenette, Gray, appeared suddenly and whipped a synchronized punch to the poor large buff guy with a yell of "Outta our way!"

"Ah, got beaten by knuckleheads.. symmetrically" I said to myself with my own sweat drop while Lucy just gave quick nods, agreeing with my words.

"My, how noisy it is.."

Lucy and I turned around to face the person who spoke, only to see a guy who wore a green coat with a wide collar with an orange shirt underneath, black pants and whitish sneakers, each adorned by a pair of light green stripes. There were also two girls on both his arms.

"A fuckboy." I whispered to Lucy as I pointed the picture of him on the list of The Wizard I'd Like To Be My Boyfriend Rankings of the Sorcerer Magazine so Lucy could cross him out.

Suddenly, a cup was thrown at the fuckboy's head which got him upset. He stood up and led the girls near the doors, "I'm gonna mix it up, just for you all."

"Good luck~"

"Man, what's with this place?" Lucy asked flabbergasted, "There isn't one normal person here!"

"Oh! Two newcomers!" A girl with white hair and a maroon dress, very well known as Mirajane, said with the sweetest smile embellishing her features.

"Mirajane! On the flesh!" Lucy cheered out loud fan-girling before looking back at the fight with a don't know what to do please help look, "Um, are you sure it's okay to not stop them?"

"They're always like this, it's better to just leave them alone" Mira explained with her never disappearing sweet smile, "And anyway-"

I saw the large buff man from earlier was thrown to Mirajane's direction so I quickly moved forward and shoved myself on her to move out of the way in time so the man could just hit the other side of the wall. Mirajane still held her smile while she was under me, "-Isn't it fun?"

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