Once Upon A Time

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Once upon a time, there was a girl so young and fair.

She smiled at everyone, greeting with kind words.

No one was to be excluded or made fun of so long as she was near.

Everyone loved her. But they couldn't hear.

They didn't hear the silent pleas.

To save her from the hell inside her head.

Everyone loved her. But they could not see.

Not see the pain in her eyes.

Nor the cracks breaking through a smile.

They did not notice, so they did not help.

No one could tell that the girl who gave everyone a life preserver

Didn't have one for herself.

She ran out and so she drowned.

Sunk far below those floating above.

She was too far gone when they noticed.

They pulled her back up not realizing what they held on to so dearly, no longer held the flame of life.

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