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On a dark, wet night on the Resistance base, General Leia Organa tightly clutched the hand of her love, Han Solo, until her knuckles were white. She let out an agonized scream, causing a horde of medial droids to flock to her side. Luke Skywalker stood nearby, watching and anxiously awaiting the birth of his new nephew. A silver GH-7 medical assessment unit rolled to Leia's bedside, to scan her to make sure everything was going along well. Leia cried out again, making even unflappable Corellian smuggler Han Solo to startle. "HE'S COMING!" Leia groaned. The GH-7 droid, with a soft, comforting voice, waited patiently to attend to the baby being born. The droid gently caught newborn Ben Solo, who let out a squeal loud enough to disturb the force as soon as he was lifted into the open air by the GH-7, as it quickly cut the umbilical cord and passed Ben to another droid to clean off and examine. The droid rolled smoothly over to Leia, who lovingly gazed at her beautiful son, with his black hair, and father's good looks. She picked up Ben and rocked him, humming an old Alderaanian song to soothe him. Han Solo put a weathered hand on the baby's soft head, and smiled, admiring his and Leia's handiwork.


Leia and Han proudly showed off their new son to a crowd of excited members of the New Republic. Whenever Han went off on one of his reckless missions, Leia bundled up young Ben and brought the chubby little boy to senate meetings. The infant's innocent brown eyes gazed in wonder at the bright lights of the new senate building, and the interesting flocks of aliens inhabiting it. Leia loved her son with all her heart, even more than she loved the new world she'd fought so hard to create.


Rebel pilots fought lovingly for a chance to cart adorable Ben, then the only baby in the Rebellion, around for a day to attract dates. The women who fought hard for freedom in the galaxy admired Ben's beautiful brown eyes and raven-black hair, and Ben was known for having a 100% date success rate. He rarely cried, and was an easy baby to care for, making him loved by the whole rebellion.


Three year old Ben Solo smiled up at the towering wookiee that stood beside him. "Chewie!" He squealed with delight. The gentle giant scooped up the small toddler and put him upon his broad, hairy shoulders. Han Solo glanced up from repairing a part of the old Millennium Falcon, Han Solo's pride and joy, besides Ben. "Hey, Ben!" He called. Ben's arms flailed in the air in excitement. "Chewie! Go see daddy!" The usually stubborn wookiee obeyed the tiny child sweetly, and obliged. Chewbacca carefully took Ben and sat him on the ground next to Han, whose entire upper body was coated in oil stains. "Daddy! C-Can we go in the Falcon?" Ben sputters. Han smiled, taking pride that his son didn't view the old ship as "garbage" like his mother. The ship's ancient hydraulics hissed and spat steam as they unhinged, allowing entrance to the famed Millennium Falcon. Ben's eyes lit up, and he chased Chewbacca through the corridors of the Falcon, happily screaming like a banshee.


5-year old Ben Solo sat, fascinated as C-3po, the famous golden protocol droid ran through some of the 6 million + languages he understood and spoke. "Oh! Tell me the odds of me... Becoming like Darth Vader!" He told the droid. "The odds are... 1 in about 5 thousand." The droid replied quickly. Ben smiled. "Threepio, can you teach me some Geonosian?" While the others were bored and annoyed by C-3po's ramblings about the odds of a situation and complaints of unsafe conditions, Ben was fascinated by all the information the old droid contained. He was enamored that his grandfather built C-3po out of scrap parts and a spare hard-drive.

Lando Calrissian, one of Han's old buddies in the Rebellion, found himself in charge of Ben one day when Leia had meetings and Han, well, he had "things to get done". 'Uncle Lando' as he was called, passed an old blaster to Ben. His brown eyes widened. "Am I allowed to have this? Ben Kenobi said that blasters are 'so uncivilized' and mommy says I will shoot my eye out!" Lando smiled. "You're allowed to have this if you don't tell mommy or daddy, ok?" Ben grinned mischievously. "Ok, I won't tell!"


Chewbacca passed Ben Solo his crossbow one day when Han wasn't around to see. "Ruraghhhh..." He growled. Ben nodded, being fluent in wookiee, he understood Chewie. "Ok, so I just press this?" Chewie nodded. "Rur... Gurarfgh!" Ben looked behind him at the towering wookiee. "I won't tell mom or dad, promise."

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