3- Nightmares

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Hi! Lanie here! I just wanted to let you know I did a time hop in this part. You and Ben are 17 years old in this chapter of the story. Enjoy!

Ben jolts awake, covered in a cold sweat. His mind and heart are racing, trying to get a grip on what he just envisioned in a haunting dream. Blue moonlight filters sharply through the small slats in his apartment's curtains as the young Ben Solo sits, slumped in the dark with his head in his hands.

Your eyes snap open. There's been a disturbance in the force. You slip on your customary Jedi attire, and creep  across the hallway, to Ben's room. You, a now careful and thoroughly trained force-user, slide his permasteel door open with no troubles. Once inside, your heart gives an almost painful lurch when you see Ben in the weak and vulnerable state he's currently in. A light sob comes from his direction before he notices you. "Roan..." His voice cracks before he can say anything else. You make your way over to him, and wrap one arm around his finely muscled torso. "Nightmares?" You question. He nods, with a heavy sniffle.

"Should we go to our spot in the woods, like when we were kids?" Ben runs a hand through his hair to clear it from his eyes, nodding. You grab his hand, and lead the way. It's a gleaming, blue night, with the local wildlife singing to the stars at every pitch and rhythm imaginable, and calming sounds coming from all directions.

You relax a little upon seeing your and Ben's special spot, tucked beneath a tree and in front of a small pool of clear water. Ben plops down in his usual spot, with you next to him. "Holy shit, Roan... Where do I even start?" I give his hand a reassuring squeeze. "Uhm... I guess I'll just tell you in order of what I saw..." He looks up to the stars, and you can see his lips moving, as if he's asking some faraway person or galaxy in the heavens for advice. "First, I saw a million stormtroopers marching, looking to kill innocent people... And, um, my anger getting worse..." He sighs, and hesitates. "...But the worst thing I saw was this guy carrying a red-bladed lightsaber. He went on a rampage and killed nearly everyone here..." A tear trickles down his face. "I tried to save you, but I was too late..." At his troubling remark, you wrap your arms around Ben, in an attempt to comfort him. Over the ten years you've known each other, your feelings for Ben have only grown, now that you know him better.
He has grown, taller and handsomer, and now towers over you. A couple twigs snap behind you and Ben jumps, turning to see a smirking Zhoro flanked by S'oud. "Nightmares? Oh no! Better tell Uncle Luke! He'll surely make everything better!" Zhoro teases in a singsong voice. Ben's fists clench, as he tries to contain his fury. "Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering, remember?" You whisper to Ben, quoting the wise old Master Yoda. Ben takes a deep breath and begins speaking in such a calm manner that he could soothe a raging Rancor. "You're maybe right, Zhoro. I think I will go talk to Master Luke," he looks over his shoulder before continuing in a lighter, joking tone. "And tell him what a little punk you are." You make a sizzling noise with your mouth as Ben drops the mic. S'oud has to restrain Zhoro after Ben's comment, for he angrily punches the air and growls under his breath.
Master Luke appears literally out of nowhere, right as Zhoro whips out his lightsaber. "Zhoro, either you put that away or give it to me." Zhoro's eyes are filled to the brim with hatred. "Why would I listen to you?" He growls. Master Luke raises a hand from his side, and Zhoro's lightsaber flies into it.
Ben's eyes are less fearful than before, but he still wants to talk to Master Luke about his vision.
"Uncle Luke! Before you depart, may I please ask you about a vision I just had?" Luke turns back around. "Why of course, Ben. It's always good to tell what you saw." He looks towards you. "Roan? Why don't you get some sleep. It's late." You nod, and shoot a 'we can talk later' glance to Ben. He gestures back to you, and you know he got what you were saying. You walk back to the dorms as quickly as possible, so you could sleep some more. Your bed awaits, still lukewarm from when you got up not long ago. You collapse onto it gratefully.
Your dreams aren't sweet tonight either. Once asleep, you hear heavy, labored breathing, a mysterious voice coming from a dark lord, and see a mysterious figure with a body type similar to Ben, but wearing the outfit and mask of a Sith. The figure carries a 3-bladed lightsaber and strikes down innocent people without a second doubt. You wake up breathing heavily, sweating. You brush some hair out of your eyes.
Tired footsteps clomp down the hall towards Ben's room. They momentarily stop. A soft knock sounds on your door. "Roan...?"
It's Ben. You answer. "Come in, Ben." He frantically runs over to the bed and jumps next to you. "Luke said... Nothing! That the vision was 'Nothing to worry about'! And get this! Ti'il said the same thing!" You stop breathing momentarily, shocked. "Seriously?" Ben nods, frustrated. "Master Luke said 'Visions like that are the path to the dark side.' And that I should ignore them! He talked about how Sidious convinced my grandfather that my grandmother was going to die, and then when he was in a weak state, he turned him to the dark side!"  You nod. "I saw some stuff tonight in a vision too. It was some scary shit." Ben's face tenses up. "What kind of scary shit?" You feel conflicted. Do you tell him? It could stress him out, or worse, drive him further towards the dark side. You bite your lip, and take a deep breath. "Uhm... Well..." Ben gets slightly impatient. "So I saw this man, he was really tall, built like you. And he... Wore this mask thing, it looked similar to Darth Vader's. It changed his voice to a low, inhuman growl. He wielded a three-bladed red lightsaber. It was really weird looking, it had these cross-blades..." Ben's eyebrows furrow. He scratches his head. Then, as if something took control of him, his eyes roll back and he starts ranting incessantly about the 'Power Of The Darkside.' You tilt your head confusedly, and snap your fingers a couple times in front of Ben's eyes. "Ben. Snap out of it." You get a little more urgent with him. "Ben. Snap-out-of-it." He shakes his head, trying to rid himself of the darkness that very clearly has taken over. He blinks twice and rubs his eyes with his right hand. "What the hell just happened?"
You look down awkwardly, and explain what went down. "Something just clicked and you started ranting about the 'Power Of The Darkside'. I couldn't seem to get your attention, and your eyes rolled back into your head. It was really peculiar."

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