5-The darkness got a hold on me

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Good song to listen to while reading this chapter: 'Meet Me in The Woods' by Lord Huron.

With a bandaged nose and damaged pride, you try to act confident as you show up a half-hour late to training for the day. "Why Roan, I didn't expect to see you here today!" Master Ti'il greets you surprisingly warmly, his bright voice contrary to the usual flat tone. Ben, who's standing about 7 meters away, runs over eagerly to meet you, calling your name happily. "Roan!" Ti'il looks skeptically in his direction. "He's never that excited to see anyone but you..." You smile awkwardly, putting a hand on the back of your neck. Ben picks you up and spins in a circle. "How's the nose?" You gingerly finger the bandages. "Still sore, a little red and bruised too, but that's expected." He sets you down, runs a hand through his hair and blushes, smiling sweetly. His face falls and gets tense upon spotting Zhoro and his crony harassing a youngling near the forest. He takes off running to the east, to the entrance to the woods. Zhoro is teasing a young girl, Piper Nigrum, about her nose, a small roman shaped one. Ben sucker punches Zhoro's cheek from behind when Ti'il isn't looking. "Don't you ever let me see you acting like a stuck up half-witted scruffy-looking nerf herder to her, or to anyone, ever again! Or you'll pay with your life..." Meanwhile, you comfort the tearful, trembling Piper. "Roan, I think my nose is ugly, maybe Zhoro was right..." She sobs. You shake your head and bend down to her eye level. Ben strolls over with a hand partially covered in Zhoro's blood, and squats down next to you. "Your nose is beautiful, Piper. Look at Roan's, Roan may I take off the bandage for a second?" You nod, and he gently removes some gauze. He gestures towards your nose, mangled as it is, and smiles. "Roan's nose is broken, and it's beautiful." Piper grins. "How the heck did you break your nose, Roan?" You take the bandage back from Ben. "That little piece of Bantha Fodder, Zhoro, decided to wallop my face with a wooden saber..." Her small blue eyes widen. "Wow... I can't believe you're still alive!" You glance up at Ben, and you both stifle a giggle. "I really like you guys. Can I follow you around?" Piper excitedly blurts. You shrug. "I don't see why not. This'll be a great experience for you." Ben makes his way across the vibrant green meadow towards the woods. "You two coming?" Piper hurries up next to Ben. He lifts up his right hand, twirls a finger to the left, moving fallen log with the just the force. Piper gasps. "Whoa-how'd-you-do-that-can-you-please-teach-me?!" He glances back at you, smiling smugly. You raise an eyebrow, sweeping your arm in a circle, picking up a bigger yet log and spin it in front of the fascinated youngling. "Whoa! Roan uses the force like that, too? I thought only Skywalkers could do that!"
Ben lifts Piper over the log he only has to step to get across, due to her small, petite body, and his lanky, muscular one. He stops in front of the pool of water, gazing across its surface. Piper's friendly expression fades. "This place has a lot of darkness inside it..." She whispers distantly. Your pupils narrow, and you glance over your shoulder self-consciously. Just like magic, Ben's eyes glaze over, and an emotionless expression overtakes his face. "The Dark side is a very powerful thing... No Jedi will ever experience power like that of a Sith..." His eyes roll back, and his hand reaches out towards you. The sky darkens and a menacing black overtakes the pool's usually soft grey surface color. You protectively place Piper behind you. "Ben... Snap out of it!" You scream. He takes unfaltering steps towards you, cornering you against a tree. "Join the dark side, and we can be together... And rule the whole galaxy under the guidance of Snoke! Kill all the Jedi and the Sith will reign again!" Your voice breaks, and tears cloud your vision. "This isn't the real Ben Solo! Fight it, Ben!" His voice softens, and he shakes his head, clearing the mysterious influence from his head, or so he thought. His eyes take on a fearful look when they go back to their normal spots, and he looks a mix between confused and concerned. "Please tell me I didn't mess anything up... Are you ok?" Piper trembles fearfully behind you. "Piper... I'm so sorry you had to see that..." He puts a hand on her soft, freckled cheek. "Roan, what happened this time? Was it worse?" You scuff your boot through the leaves littering the ground. "Uhm... You talked about Sith... Bloody Sith for Force's sake! You called me to join you on the dark side!" You sputter. Ben's eyes fill with tears. "Dad always said... 'There's too much Vader in him.' I'm starting to think he's right... I don't know what's happening. The darkness got a hold on me."

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