2- Zhoro

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Master Ti'il rings the dinner bell, signaling all of the padawans to head to the meadow to eat. Ben grumbles and sighs. "I don't see why we have to eat together. What if I want to eat alone?" You pat his back. "The masters just want us to get to know the others. It's ok." He hops up from the ground reluctantly and reaches out a hand to you. "Thanks, Ben."
You and Ben line up around a large rock where dinner is served. Today's meal is some fruit found in the many forests around the Jedi training facility, along with some vegetables and toasted bread. Master Luke assigns each padawan a new group of peers to eat with each day, and today's lists are pinned to a small tree. You look up and down the sides, carefully scanning for your name. You see it, finally, and notice you are with Ben today. He grins, thrilled and you pat each other's back triumphantly.
After sauntering over to your spot underneath a massive, ancient tree, grins quickly fade. Zhoro Hijoh sits crosslegged across from where you and Ben are standing. "Why, if it isn't big-ears Solo..." He sneers cruelly. Ben, already extremely self conscious of his ears, tenses up. "Zhoro... I should've known you by the foul stench I smelled when I came over." Zhoro's brows furrow, and his eyes take on an unmistakable look of pure hatred. He gets up and balls his fists. "You're going to hit me? Fat chance." Ben remarks, a mischievous grin taking over his face again. Zhoro plows towards Ben, and Ben calmly steps to the right, and Zhoro rushes past, missing him completely. "I'm telling Master Luke!" Zhoro's crony, S'oud Fuigh, rises from his spot and smirks ruefully at Ben as he trails an aggravated Zhoro. "What's he even got to tell the Masters? Is he going to say 'Oh no, Master Luke! I was about to sucker-punch Ben, but he moved out of the way and I pathetically fell.' Knowing Zhoro, he's bound to make something up." Sure enough, a vengeful, pleased pair of padawans smirk as Luke rapidly approaches Ben.

"Ben. Roan. We are going to talk about what just went down over here." Ben's ears turn red and he ducks his head, embarrassed. You glance behind yourself and mutter "This is utter Bantha fodder." Master Luke's smooth, tranquilly cadenced gait slows as he nears a small outcropping of towering, thick trees. "Now, you two know that Zhoro there was just trying to get under your skin. It's healthy to play around every so ofte-" Ben cuts in. "Well, Uncle Luke, you'd be surprised how 'healthy' Zhoro is because he harasses me constantly." Master Luke's features harden. "Is that so, Ben? Young Zhoro has great potential, but there is too much impulse within him..."
Luke lays his left hand on Ben's shoulder. "I am deeply sorry, my nephew. I should have believed you long ago about Zhoro. You both are free to go."

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