11. Novel Hearts

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As an author in Novel Hearts, I will not be reviewing my own story, but those of the other authors. I’ll start in the order they come in the book and work my way through.


About the Book -

Write More Publications Valentine's Day anthology, featuring these authors: Rebecca Boucher, Molly Bryant, Stephanie Greenhalgh, Theresa Oliver, Jennifer Paquette, Amber White, Elaine White and J.S. Wilsoncroft.

All of the books within which these characters reside are published by or coming soon from Write More Publications, unless otherwise stated. The stories that you will read within these pages are from many genres—fantasy, paranormal, romance and horror—creating a Valentine’s Day anthology that steps out of the box. We hope you enjoy reading … Novel Hearts.


1 – The River Liffy – Rebecca Boucher ★★★★☆ Heart-warming

I enjoyed this story. I gave it four out of five stars for two reasons. One, is that it’s a bit confusing. Having not read Hunting the Moon, which is coming soon, I know nothing of the characters background, or their relationships to the people mentioned within this short story. It’s clearly an after Hunting the Moon, rather than a before. This made reading about emotional events and past characters awkward because I had no connection to them or the story yet. The second reason was probably a typo, but it was a little buggy. It uses ‘Irish borough’, to describe an Irish accent. This is more than likely an auto correct by the computer, but it jars a little in the smooth reading of the rest of the story. (It should be Irish brogue. A borough is a small town or village, while brogue is an Irish lilt, or accent)

However, these two small issues aside, I really enjoyed reading this story. Lilly and Daemon, the main characters are likeable and fun, intriguing and they’ve made me interested enough to go ahead and read Hunting the Moon as soon as it’s out, which is the whole point. If you can’t stomach the characters for a short story, you’re not going to enjoy the novel. Thankfully, I loved them both and I’m sure I’m going to love the novel too when it’s out.

I liked that the story was positive. Though it dealt with difficult, emotional and sad issues, the overall atmosphere was light and positive. Lilly was, essentially, saying goodbye to her old life and embracing the new. She was saying goodbye to an old friend and a first husband, while anticipating her new life with her new husband, and their pregnancy. It was sweet, romantic and yet real and emotionally charged. A great romantic read.

2 – The Twistedly True Nightmare of Ruby Hood – Stephanie Greenhalgh ★★★★★ Exciting

This was an interesting read. We’re introduced to Ruby Hood, with a mysterious past, a girl not afraid of making a statement or standing out from the crowd. With a secret tragedy in her past, a new school full of boys, and her father caught up in a conspiracy, there’s a lot for Ruby to contend with.

I really like Ruby. She’s spunky, fun and full of gumption. Nothing gets past her. I would definitely read the novel this story is based on. It’ll be an absolute blast if this story is anything to go by. I like Dylan and the interaction between him and Ruby was lovely. I also enjoyed the interaction between Ruby and Kent, it made things interesting. And there was no Peter, which I sort of expected, so love interest-wise, it left things so far wide open that there was no telling whether the good guy or the bad guy was going to get the attention. Knowing Ruby, as I feel I do after reading this story, I don’t think she’d care. In fact, I’m sure she’d find more fun in a bad boy.

I got halfway through this story and just did a total – HOLY COW! Literally. Out loud. Talk about dropping a bomb. There were a few moments in this story that really took me by surprise, but this halfway moment was the most shocking. I read it and then had to re-read that I hadn’t imaged anything. It was just so skilfully, craftily slipped in there. A complete surprise.

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