Dipper and Mabel's Bday!

Start from the beginning

"Sure! It's your birthday." Dipper said

"Thanks Dippin' sauce! But it's your birthday too ya know! What do you want?" I bear hugged my brother

"I don't think I want anything." Dipper replied

"That's not fair! I didn't get to buy you anything" I pouted

"It's fine. I don't want anything!"

"Hey... Where did (y/n), Bill, and Tad go?" I asked Dipper

He shrugged back at me

"(Y/n)! Bill! Tad! Where'd you guys go?" Dipper and I ran all around the mall to try and find them. With no luck, the two of us walked home.

Outside of the Mystery Shack, there were balloons and a banner that said "Happy Birthday!"

"Surprise!" Grunkle Stan, Great Uncle Ford, (y/n), Tad, Bill, Soos, and Wendy jumped out from their hiding places

"On the left, we have a bunch of snacks..." Bill pointed to a table full of food

"On the right there's a dance area, and you can pick what songs you want to dance to..." Tad said

"And in the middle is us!" (Y/n) smiled

"Woah! A surprise party! Let's dance!" I said happily. I grabbed (y/n) and dragged her to the clearing to dance

We danced for a while and laughed

"I'm glad you're still in town long enough to celebrate our birthday!" I told (y/n)

"Yeah, me too." She smiled

I then thought of an idea of what I can do for Dipper.

"Hey (y/n), let's spin!!" I said

"Huh? Uh okay!" We started spinning around together. I brought us towards Dipper and let go of (y/n), causing her to bump into Dipper

Mabel the love expert strikes again!

Dipper's POV

I caught (y/n) just before she could fall

"Oh! Sorry Dipper!" (Y/n) chuckled and blushed

"It's okay!" I looked over at Mabel, who was smiling. She gave me a thumbs up.

"Do you, uh... Wanna dance?" I asked (y/n)

"Yeah, sure!" She replied

"So, do you like the surprise?" (Y/n) asked

"Of course! But to be honest, I was expecting all the people in town to be here." I said

"Oh, yeah. Ah, we actually don't know why all the townspeople were missing..." (Y/n) nervously chuckled

Just then, Uncle Ford ran up to us and grabbed (y/n)

"Hey!" (Y/n) shouted

(Y/n)'s shout got the attention of Bill, Tad, and Mabel

"Uncle Ford?!" His back was facing me

Bill and Tad stared at my uncle wide eyed

"That's not Ford..." Tad said

I looked at Uncle Ford's face. His eyes were glowing purple

"Nightshade, get out of him." Bill ordered

Soon enough, a star came out of Uncle Ford

"Bill, Tad! How nice to see you two again! But I see the feeling isn't mutual." Nightshade stated as she looked at her fingers (idk if she has nails XD)

She looks familiar... I opened the Journal. She looked just like the star on Gideon's tent of telepathy!

"You know the answer's still no." Bill crossed his arms

"I know! Of course it is because it seems like you've fallen in love with someone else." Nightshade looks over at (y/n).

"A mortal, huh? You even took the form of one. Couldn't you have at least fallen in love with someone better than her?" She sneered

"At least she has a heart!" Tad glared

"Yeah, she's way better than you could ever be!" Bill growled

"Who are you?!" (Y/n) said

"Why, i'm Nightshade, the dream demon!" she said

"What do you want anyway?" Bill asked

"Oh, i'm just checking up on this dimension. But... I'd like to bring back a souvenir." She let go of (y/n), looked at Ford, who was still recovering from being possessed, and grabbed him with her powers

"And he should be good enough for now."

"Uncle Ford!" Mabel and I shouted in unison

And with that, she was gone.

--4 days left until (y/n) leaves Gravity Falls--

A/n: Yeah... Introducing... Nightshade! :/ But anyways, that means that this is the beginning of a collab! I'll be collabing with gravityfallsgirl93 for the next couple chapters! Her book will have some of the story that's missing here. (Example: If you want to see where Nightshade was before my story, check out her book) We've been planning this for a while, so i'm really excited that it can finally happen! ^w^ ~Mystic

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