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Chapter Seven
Things heat up


Shikamaru sighed as he opened the door to his and Asuma's apartment, he had to write the Hokage and tell her how it was going, he had tried to say away for as long as he could but like Temari said advoiding him wasn't going to make things go away.

Shikamaru sighed and walked into the house taking his shoes off and setting his stuff down, man he was tired. Maybe Asuma would want to play Shogi for a few, but Shikamaru didn't think Asuma was up to talking to him just yet. Yeah, yeah, he knew he was stalling but come on give him a break, he was new to all this stuff.

"How was your day?" A deep voice asked making Shikamaru jump.

Turing around he saw Asuma leaning up against the door frame...he was only in black sweat pants, giving Shikamaru a clear look of his toned chest. Shikamaru took in a breath and let it out, trying to get his harmons in check. Smirking at his room mate he pipped off with; "You should know, shouldn't you Mr. Spy?"

Asuma gave a deep laugh making the hair on Shikamaru's neck stand up and a shiver go down his spine. Yup he definitely wasn't up for this. Turning around he grabbed himself a glass and filled it up with water, trying to calm his nerves. Shikamaru almost chocked on the water in his mouth when he felt Asuma's warm hands on his neck messaging it.

"You did well today, I'm proud of you." Asuma whispered in his ear, knowing that he was egging Shikamaru on.

Shikamaru closed his eyes, the tone in Asuma's voice had blood going to places Shikamaru was trying so hard to keep in check. He felt Asuma slid his hands down his arms, his hands leaving goosebumps in his wake. Why was Asuma doing this to him? Why did he always fall apart when ever he was a round? Shikamaru thought as he tried to swallow his moan, dropping his head, he breathed through his nose.

His eyes shot open when he felt Asuma's lips move lightly agenst the back of his neck. Fine two can play this game, and he knew what jutsu just to use. Shikamaru quick turned around, pushing Asuma away making him hit the wall behind him.

Asuma looked little surprised that he had just been pushed away, only to see Shikamaru smirking. Asuma went to ask what the hell he was doing when he suddenly felt like he didn't have control of his body making him confused 'What the fuck?' He thought. All of the sudden he felt a hand slowly moving up his leg, making him shiver.

"You know I've always wanted to try this jutsu on someone." Shikamaru said his voice husky, making Asuma looked up at with bewilderment. Asuma saw Shikamaru was casually leaning up against the sink, his hands in the sign of the rat.

"What's going o-on?" Asuma asked his voice cracking when he felt the shadow hand lightly brush up agents his harding cock. He saw Shikamaru shudder lightly as well, Asuma had no clue what was going on. Why was Shikamaru using the shadow choke jutsu on him?

Shikamaru gave Asuma his lazy smirk "It's not what you think, trust me. Sure I got the idea from the Shadow choke jutsu but this is my own invention. This isn't ment for combat...it's well to simply put it, it's for foreplay."

Asuma felt his eyes go wide, what the hell was Shikamaru talking about? He made a jutsu just for foreplay, was that even possible? Asuma shuddered again when the shadow hand brushed just a little bit harder on his cock, and like last time Shikamaru shuddered with him. Apparently it was possible or he wouldn't be in this situation.

"H-how.." Asuma didn't finish as he felt another two shadow hands move up his arms.

Shikamaru leaned his head back, his body reacting to Asuma being out of breath, "It's just like shadow possession, what you feel, I feel..." Shikamaru trailed off let out a moan, as he felt one of the shadow hands move to his chest and pitching his nipple.

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