Chapter 7

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"I just texted my mom and she's going to pick me outside the bookstore." I tell them as we wait outside the cafe. It's not cold since it's just the begining of summer and the sun has just started seting  but there's a slight breeze. "So I better get going." I kiss each of them on the cheek, Louis seems a bit uneasy, but  this is the way that I alway say hello and goodbye. Harry on the other hand looks like he knows what I do, like if he does the same everytime he leaves.

"Bye Lena." He says his british accent once again smooth and slow.

"Bye." I give them a small wave and leave them chatting behind me by start walking down the streets, back to the bookstore. I'm thinking about the small limp that Harry has when he walks, that is barely noticeable, when my phone starts ringing. I take it out of my pocket and see the name on the screen: Daniel

"Hey Danny, how's Nigeria?" I ask him.

"Hey babe! It's really, like abnormaly hot here. I swear that this is the entrancce to hell itself."

"I feel that you aren't being dramatic at all, right?" I laugh as I hear him gasp at the other end of the line cause I can perfectly picture his reaction: his hand over his chest and his blue eyes wide.

"I will pretend that I didn't hear you, because I wouldn't want to give you the silent treatment befor I tell you this, my cousin Victoria, do you remember her? Well she goes to Franklin but my mom just told that she's switching schools to Fort and I was wondering if you could do a little favor for me..."

I'm both intrigued and drawn away of this favor that Daniel wants to ask me, but my curiosity wins so I ask.

"Depends. What do you want me to do?"

"Well she stayed at town for the summer and she got a job at a cafe I think, so I was wondering that if you happen to see her, you can chat with her? She's nice, I promise."

I groan at his request.

"Lena." He tells me and I get the message to calm down. "I really need your help here."

"Okay sorry," I sigh and breath in the cool night air as I finally get to the bookstore and sit in a bench. "I'll help you Dan, I promise."

"Thanks Lena. Well I have to hang up now but I'll text you and I'll send you a picture of her, bye!"

I want to ask him how is Liv, to know if she has even the slightest clue that her boyfriend might be cheating on her. But the line goes dead befor I can even ask

"Bye." I say to nobody.

Before I can decide what game on my phone I'm going to play while my mom arrives, I get the promised text from Danny, I click on the banner and a picture of a girl, really pretty I might add, apears on my phone screen. She has a resemblance to Danny, mainly on her physical features but she has hazel eyes and hair in a darker shade of brown than Danny's. She seems nice, nice enough at least.

I place my phone on my pocket again and I just stare into the night. The bench where I'm sitting is infront of one of the bookstores windows so I turn to see what is inside.

The warm light from the lamp on the ceiling gives the room a romantic look. Joan is walking around the bookshelves with a stack os books pressed against her chest. Nobody else is in the bookstore even though it's still open until 8. I hear the bell from the door of the store ring and I turn to see the figure that just walked in.

It's a man. Tall slim and with brown redish hair. He walks closer to Joan and by the way that he places his hand on her side I hope that he is her boyfriend, the one he was talking earlier about. Joan turns startled but when she sees his face she smiles. He is way taller than her so he has to lean down in order to kisss her softly on the lips.

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