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I really don't know what I wanna do with school next year, or what I want to do with my life, what I do know is that if I don't get up in the next two minutes there's no way on earth that I'm making it on time to my job interview. Well my obliged summer job interview, my parents aren't really insistent on many things, but they did tell me that I had to get a job this summer to become more aware of being responsible or something like that, which I honestly don't think it's necessary because not to brag or anything, but I have one of the highest averages in my grade, which I don't consider that it belongs to an irresponsible person. What I believe it's the real reason behind this "sinister" plan of their's it's that they are somewhat concerned about my future, which is a 100% uncertain and clueless about what it wants. Well, I'm the clueless one. I'm the one who does  know what she wants to do with her future but won't tell anybody because she is ashamed that people will call her stupid, or her dreams, impossible. So yeah, there's that.

After all this monologue inside my head I untangle myself from the blankets on my bed and start walking to the bathroom, where I debate for about five minutes if this interview is worthy of me showering, which sadly concludes in a yes. I start the shower and just walk in circles around the bathroom until steams starts to come out, I undress myself and get inside as I avoid the hot water in a failed attempt of not getting burned.

After getting out of the shower and drying myself up I proceed with my showering days ritual: brushing my hair while it's still wet so I can untangle it, body lotion, face lotion, covering up some redness and pimples, clear mascara on my eyebrows to keep them in place all day long and some mascara. Once I repass my whole morning routine I realize that it's not that I don't put enough effort on my appearance, it's just that I'm really lazy and it's hard to get myself to do it, but for the record once I decide to do it, I do it the best I can.

I have about an hour before I have to get to the place where my interview will take place so that gives me enough time so I can have breakfast and walk or perhaps take the bus into town.

While rushing down the stairs I realize that I forgot to put my earrings and ring on so I go back all the way to my bathroom to put them on. I put on my pearl errings, and check that my ring isn't upside down before I slide it down my finger while walking down the hall to get back to the staircase, When I get to the kitchen I find my dad, Anthony, reading the newspaper while having some cereal, I get myself a bowl and a spoon.and the second I sit across from him n the other side of the table he starts with his daily morning facts of the day,"Did you know that a tree has been found in Spain that could prove that the spaniards were the first people to arrive to New Zealand?"

"Nope, didn't had a clue," I say at the same time that I shove a spoonful of cereal into my mouth "how can they know that from only a tree?" I ask with my mouth full of cereal which is a terrible habit that I have, but thank God I only do it around my parents and some of my close friends.

"Well, apparently there's a tree in New Zealand of the exact same species and age as the one in Spain." says my dad, I love this random facts that he has, which have been helpful to me more than once in class when I bring a random related fact of the subject we are talking about, which makes me appear interested.

"Excited about your interview?" My dad asks as he looks down into his paper trying to not be to obvious in his excitement on the interview.

"Yeah kind of," I tell him " more than I thought I would be."

"That's good sweetheart, want me to drive you?" He asks me with hidden hint of joy in his voice

"If it's not much of a problem" I tell him honestly, because I would hate that he leaves the house just to drive me to a summer interview.

"Nah it's okay I'm going to the GYM today so it's on my way. Are you ready?" He stands up and asks me.

I finish my last spoon of cereal and stand up "I just need to brush my teeth, and retouch can you give me five minutes?"

He chuckles knowing that those aren't going to be five minutes "Sure, I'll finish reading my paper while Queen Cleopatra finishes her beauty rituals" he starts laughing at his own joke and I mock his laugh as I make my way back upstairs.

Wanting to prove him wrong, I brush my teeth, grab my backpack, phone, and check on last time my outfit: black combat boots, military green jacket, grey t-shirt, jeans. Nice enough, comfortable enough, good enough. I walk out the door and jump into my dad's car. "Ready?"

I ruffle my hair and check it one last time on the side mirror "Yes, ready."

The drive into town it's not long but I'm thankful that I didn't have to walk it today, it's way too hot for being outside.
My dad keeps driving for about five more minutes until he pulls to where I may or may not be passing my whole summer. I kiss his cheek, give  him a quick thanks and get out of the car, being careful to not get ran over by one of the many passing cars. As I approach the door and begin to turn the handle I hear my dad.

"Good luck Lena, I know you'll get it!"
And I walk in.

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