Chapter 6

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Finally Louis looks up from his phone with a smirk on his face and a mischievous look.

"Okay lads, here's the deal:" He clears his throat to give some 'excitement' to his game. "I have here a list of questions, I'll ask the questions on the list and all of us have to answer it and always in the same order: me, Harry and then Lena, kay?" Me and Harry nod in agreement and Lou grins.

"Perfect! Here's the first question: Who was your first crush ever?"

"Mine I guess it was Emma Watson, after seeing her walking through those corridors at Hogwarts I knew I was in love with her." He sighs and looks out the window dramatically earning a laugh from Harry and me. "Your's Harry?"

"Mine was... Jennifer Aniston?" He kind of answer-questions at. "Your's Lena?"

"I think mine was probably Troy Bolton from High School Musical." I tell them quickly and I relax a bit, this questions aren't so bad. For now.

"You mean Zac Efron?" Harry asks me, sure of his argumentation.

"Nope, it wasn't the actor it was the character whom I fell in love with." I answer back at him.

"Good! Next question: If you could get  any of us to do something, what would you make him or her do?" Louis is getting more and more excited with each question.

"Umm, I would make Harry straighten his hair." Harry gives me a meanacing look and Lou a high-five.

"Good choice, I would... make either of you to clean the storage at the store for me. I don't know."

Harry speaks before we can even ask for his answer. "I would make Lena to cut her hair really, really short or to dye it some random color!"

"And why would you make me do that if I may ask?" I tell Harry. I love my hair and take care of it like it's my child, but he doesn't know that.

"If you want me to be honest..." He looks down and then looks up with a playful smirk. "Just to bug you."

Louis starts laughing and I stuck out my tongue at him.

"Okay," Louis stops laughing and we keep playing. "Harry it's your turn to choose a question." He passes Harry his cellphone and he starts to scroll through wherever Louis was reading the questions.

"Uhm, who is your hottest friend? You have to show us a picture and make the other two of us want to date him or her." He grins and raises his eyebrows suggestively.

Cassie is probably the hottest one, well maybe not hot but she's really, really pretty; I take out my phone to look for a picture of her and Harry takes out his own and does the same as me, after passing Lou his cellphone.

"Okay," I turn my phone towards them so they can see a picture of Cassie sitting by the beach alongside the rest of our group of friends. "that one is Cassie, she's turning 17, she has a younger sister, um, she loves Disney movies and the day that she does go to school it's more unusual than the days that she doesn't." They both nod, like if they're agreeing. It's now Louis turn to show us, well me, his candidate.

"This, my friends, is Patrick, he's the captain of the school's soccer team, one of my best friends and without a doubt one of the top people in my class." I laugh at Louis' sell because Patrick happens to have a girlfriend, so I decide to point it out to him, since he and Liv, one of my best friend's sister, are the IT couple.

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