Part 4

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Fred and I were staring at Harry; he’d lead us to an ‘all you can eat’ restaurant and he’d taken the title literally. In front of him were no less than five empty plates and bowls and he was working on his sixth dish. He finished his last mouthful, belched loudly and pushed the plate away from him. “What?” He asked when he looked up and found us both staring at him.

“You satisfied?” Fred asked with raised eyebrows.

“Who knows when I’m going to eat again.” Defended Harry.

“Well I think that you’ve eaten all the food” I grinned “the staff don’t look too happy.” And sure enough, when we looked around, they were frowning at us.

“Uh” Fred grimaced “I think we’d better pay and get out.”

Ten minutes later we were back out in the open and heading toward an empty playground. Having been raised in a muggle suburb I’d seen plenty of parks and playgrounds but hadn’t been on any of the swings and that for years. I made a bee line straight for the roundabout with Harry hot on my heels. “What on earth is that?” Fred asked as he walked up to us and frowned at the object.

“It’s a roundabout” I grinned “people get on it and either another person pushes it around or the people on in kick off.”

“Kick off?” He asked.

“Yep, hop on and I’ll show you.” I watched Fred climb on before Harry and I hopped off, grabbed hold of one of the metal bars and started running. “Make sure you hold on!” I warned Fred as we got faster. When I felt that we were going fast enough, I leapt back on and held on tight. I heard Fred laughing and whooping as we went around and once we’d slowed down I turned around to grin at him. “So?”

He grinned back and said “is that as fast as it goes?”

I have come to the conclusion that Fred is some kind of Superman or something because when he span the roundabout it went five times as fast as the speed  it had gone when Harry and I pushed it together. “Let’s jump!” I yelled at them “on three!”

“Jump?” I heard one of them call back.

“That’s what I said!” Now, I obviously didn’t think about just how fast the roundabout was going because when I jumped I was flung, diagonally, across the park and into a litter bin (much to the delight of Fred and Harry who were laughing hysterically as they rushed over to pull me out).

“I swear you don’t think before you do stuff” Fred laughed as he grabbed me around the waist and pulled me free “but seriously, that was awesome; look how far you flew!”

I grinned at my boyfriend before wincing at as a jolt of pain shot through my arm. “I think I broke my arm” I grimaced as I looked at it and saw the odd angle it was bent at.

“That’s what my arm looked like before Lockhart removed the bones” Harry laughed.

“Well” I sighed “let’s hope dad comes home tonight.”

Fred put an arm around my waist “come back with me and I’ll get mum to fix you up.” Fred and I had agreed not to let Harry know that we were all together…to spare his feelings.

Harry grimaced. “I wish that I could come back with you.”

“Well why don’t you?” I said “I’m sure your aunt and uncle wouldn’t care.”

“Everyone’s telling me to stay put so I’d better do as I’m told” he sighed “so I’d probably should be getting back; I shouldn’t have come out at all.”

We walked back to number 4 privet drive with him and chatted in his room until we noticed that the light was dimming. “We should probably wake Dudley up” I said as I slid off Harry’s bed, wincing again.

“Do you have to?” Harry asked.

“Fraid so, mate and we have to lock you in too, otherwise the muggles will know that we’ve been here.”

Harry nodded “ok, sure; I’ll see you guys soon, yeah?”

I gingerly gave Harry a one armed hug “definitely or we’ll be back to kidnap you regardless of what anyone says.”

“Thanks, Lil.”

We locked Harry back into his room, shoved the other end of the sweet into Dudley’s mouth and was stepping off the knight bus fifteen minutes later.

“I still feel bad about locking Harry in” I told Fred as we walked, hand in hand, back toward Grimmauld Place.

Fred squeezed my hand comfortingly “we had to, Lil.”

I sighed “I know but it doesn’t mean that I have to like it.”

It was gone nine in the evening when we arrived back at number twelve. “You escape for one day and you come back broken!” Mrs Weasley fumed as she examined my broken arm.

“It’s only my arm, Mrs Weasley” I replied weakly.

“Yes, well, it could have been your neck!” She waved her wand over my arm and a sickening crunch later, it was fixed. “Keep moving it” she ordered “it’ll be stiff for a while.”

I gave a sigh of relief as I smiled up at her “thanks.”

“Now get to bed, both you and Fred have a long day tomorrow.”

No one had been best please that Fred and I had slipped away for the day but Hermione and Ron didn’t tell anyone where we’d gone, even after they had to clean basketball sized spiders out of one of the rooms. “Thanks guys” I told them as we climbed the stairs.

“No problem” Hermione replied “how’s Harry?”

“Fed up, hungry and locked in his bedroom.” I stated.

She looked at me in shock “locked in his bedroom?”

I nodded “they let him out twice a day to use the bathroom and they slip his meals in through a cat flap they installed in the door.”

Hermione looked as though she was about to cry; she, like me, was feeling guilty about the fact that we were all together whilst Harry was alone. “We need to get him back” she muttered. “I don’t like how this is.”

“Me neither” I told her “but I think they’re planning on it, Hermione.”

“I don’t suppose you told him that we’re all here, did you?” Ron asked.

“Are you insane?” I replied “of course I didn’t!”

The next few days were torture. Mrs Weasley was true to her word about making me and Fred working hard; we had to clear out the bedrooms and were constantly attacked by creepy crawlies which lurked in dark hiding places but, three days later came the news that Mad eye was taking a few people to rescue Harry and bring him back here.

“About time too” I muttered.

Dumbledore had managed to get Harry a hearing which would determine whether or not he’d be allowed to return to school and all of us were worrying about him; especially after what happened last year but he’d be back with us soon and we’d be able to tell him everything.

Hey guys, I am so sorry that it has taking me so long to upload again; I've been really busy with everything lol. Anyways, I won't be uploading for at least ten days as I'm away camping with a few friends and I'm not taking my laptop because I'm not that stupid.

 See you soon!!!


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