Part 1

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What the hell is monopoly?” Ron demanded as I started setting up the game with Hermione’s help.

“I’ve told you” I replied, rolling my eyes “it’s a muggle board game.”

“But the pieces don’t move!” He said as he poked the bowler hat with the tip of his forefinger.

“They aren’t meant to move, Ron” I told him through gritted teeth.

“Come on, Ron” Hermione sighed as she started sharing out the money “it’s not hard.”

“Yeah Ron” Fred grinned “lighten up!”

It was only the second day into the holidays and Ron, Fred and Hermione were at mine, enjoying being at my house without my dad being around. It had been Hermione’s idea to teach Ron and Fred about muggle money which had inspired the idea of monopoly; Fred was all up for it but Ron wouldn’t stop whining.

“I don’t get it!” he shouted halfway through the game “how do muggles use this money? It doesn’t make sense!”

“It’s not hard, Ron!” I fumed after having enough of his constant whinging “you owe me £200, the numbers are on the pieces of paper!”

He was just about to argue back when green flames erupted in the fireplace and Dumbledore stepped out. “Ah, Monopoly” he smiled “a brilliant game if you have sufficient patience and understanding of Muggle money.” Ron growled.

“Hi professor” I frowned “uhm…to what do we owe this…pleasure?”

“The Order of the Phoenix” he stated simply as he took up a spare seat and chose the bus as his game piece before rolling and counting six squares on the board; he didn’t seem to care that we were already halfway through the game.

I frowned at the others “I’m sorry, Professor, but what?” Hermione asked.

“The Order of the Phoenix” he repeated calmly. “As you all know, Lord Voldemort has returned and the Order was set up the last time he was at large. It’s your move” he nodded at Ron who took his move, without complaint, as Dumbledore continued with his explanation. “The first time it was your parents who were involved; Molly and Arthur Weasley, Lilly and James Potter, Severus-”

“Dad!” I said in alarm.

“Indeed” Dumbledore watched Hermione take her turn “Severus has been working with the order since the day it was founded; in fact, it is because of the order that he is away right now.”

“What’s he doing?” I asked.

“Something that must remain a secret; anyway, your parents, among others fought against the dark forces the first time and now, due to the circumstances, those who remain have agreed to return. We are using a residence that is in dire need of cleaning; it has been unused for a good number of years and is not up to a liveable standard and so this is where you come in.” Albus smiled at us “all of you are underage, therefore I cannot grant you membership to the order, however, if you would like to help then you will be able to assist with the cleaning…if you wish.”

“I’ll help” Hermione volunteered without hesitation.

I nodded “yeah, me too, it beats sitting around here waiting for dad to check in.”

Fred then volunteered because I had and then Ron did as well. “What about Harry” Ron asked “is he coming too?”

“In time” Dumbledore replied “but I must urge you not to mention anything about this when you are writing to him or to anyone else; the owls may be intercepted and the secret must remain a secret.”

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