"Do you even know what documents you have to take?"

"Of course! Its something about a five-month schedule of the delivery of Three Dimensional Maneuver Gear and I have to take this notebook about Titans. Besides I'm not exactly taking them from the rooms, there's a contact, a sort of spy in the Survey Corps who is going to meet me with the stuff and then I just have to return them here safely."

"B-but it seems such a big payment, did they tell you why they need those things?"

"No, and I'm not to question it, besides how different could this be to the job I did a few months ago?" Jenn shrugged as Angel poked her tongue out.

"That was different!" Angel answered, "you were safely here and it was only to teach some guys a lesson, this is the Survey Corps we are talking about! And you'll be on the surface, you know nobody there when you are in trouble," Angel felt tears spring in her eyes, "I'm just really worried about you Jennifer, I don't want to lose my sister... not after..." She didn't continue as tears started to stream down her porcelain face.

Jenn's eyes softened as she scooted closer to Angel before wrapping her arms around her head, gently bringing her in to an embrace as she rested her cheek on the top of Angel's head.

"You won't loose me mong face, I'm not that easy to get rid of," Jenn replied and Angel couldn't help smile sadly.

"I hope so... ass hat," She said before feeling a kiss on top of her head.

"How will I know I'm talking to the right person?" Jenn asked as she walked along side the man who offered her the job. They walked towards the stairs leading up to the surface.

"They'll be the only ones to meet you at the location, which I remind you will be behind the horse stables," He said as they continued walking, "I'm not in a position to tell you anything about the contact."

Jenn raised a brow, "How the hell am I supposed to know if I'm talking to the right person?"

"You will! Just not stop asking so many questions! You're making me nervous," The man hissed, making Jenn glare at him.

In a flash she grabbed the collar of his shirt and shoved him up the wall of a nearby building making him wince as his eyes became as wide as saucers.

"You will not. Talk to me that way," Jenn growled, the guy was getting cocky so now seemed like a good time to remind him of his place.

"Y-yeah, I'm sorry, my bad!" The man held his hands up in surrender as Jenn let him go before sighing.

"Let's just get this over with."

After paying for both of their toll fees to travel up to the surface, the man, who Jenn still didn't know the name of nor did she care, showed her the way to the Survey Corps base. She couldn't help the suspicion rising in her stomach, the job seemed far too rewarding for something that seemed so easy. Why not just get their spy to bring them the documents themselves? But at the same time if this job was true, it was an offer she couldn't afford to pass up. If he was lying, she would hunt him down.

"Wear this," The man said as he pulled out the signature green cloak with the wings of freedom imprinted onto the back, "You're not wearing their full uniform so try not to attract too much attention, remember this is just an in and out job. Once you are done I will meet you in the Underground City outside the brothel where we first met. I shall have your payment and you are to bring the documents with you. If anything happens to them then the deal is off."

Jenn just grunted as she put on the cloak and brushed the hair that fell in front of her eyes before lifting the hood up. She quickly patted the object lodged between her belt and her hip, a knife just in case.

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