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The rain pounding on the roof, enabling me from catching an ounce of sleep.

The warm, green sheets trying to block me from the cold, with with no avenge. I'm already below freezing, I'm sure its the same outside. Sighing, whist getting up from my welcoming bed and making the idiotic  decision to go see the water.

Oh Electra, you imbecile.

Slipping on a plastic jacket, the best thing I could find, given the circumstances. I slowly, crept towards the stairs, taking each step with immense precaution. The floor boards accepting my prayers not to squeak. Finely reaching the front door, and slipping out to he slapped by the harsh wind. No powers, I promised myself until I truly needed them.

With bare feet and squinted eyes, I make my way towards the sand covered pathway. The cool bite of the wind, nipping at my body. Ignoring the cold and marching forth, enchanted by the magical shimmer of the raging water. Instantly wanting to go in, but reminding myself It was beyond stupid.

I rolled my eyes, and continued to walk my long journey towards the cliffs, the hight astounding. 

After a long, breath snatching hike, I had finely made it to the edge. Puffing out breaths, with much effort, I took my seat, close to the edge, watching the colliding waves, how peaceful the motion sounds-

A faint rusting towards me, knocks me out of the trance. Stepping up, my heart ecstatic whist I could defiantly make out, two glowing eyes, with filmier brown irises. Quickly, the figure emerged. My heart slowly quickening, the enormous wolf from before, then the pieces came together.

"H-Hello, what one are you?" I knew the answer, I just had to be completely sure. The figure, walking back towards the forrest, after several minutes returned, paul. His toned chest, dark eyes and dashing features.

"What are you doing out here? Its cold! Dangerous not to mention the vamp-"

"Hello, Paul." Cutting him of from his flustered rage.

"Hello, Electra. But, what are you doing out here, let me take you home."

No, I like it here, besides. Me alone, can defeat multiple covens. Your pack 'swell." 

"Pssh, love to see you try. Anyways, come with me, its not safe here."

"Why not?"

"Ugh, just come."






"No- Hey!"

"I'm not leaving, unless you force me- stop!" Too late, he gently grabbed my waist, holding me securely before trudging back.

"Paul! Put me down, I swear to christ I will destroy you." Snarling and kicking, he simply smirked.

"Love to see you try, princess."

"Is that a challenge?"

"Ha, sure." Smiling at the opportunity, and slowly choosing a strategy.

Because he forced my legs around his waste, whist my arms tucked around his neck for support, Embarrassingly, I could simply look at him, face on. Grinning whist letting the plan commence.

"Paul." I said quietly, turning to face him, forcing the most innocent look I would fathom.

"Yeah? Having second thoughts about-" Blushing, I pressed my lips to his. He was in shock, before he started moving his lips in sync with mine. As much good at it was, my plan worked. His grip loosened, letting me down, his hands in my waste whilst my arms, were around his neck. I pushed away, his guard down. I turned, running towards the edge of the dirt, where the writhing water danced.

Giggling whist jumping of, my elemental shields up. I heard his shouting my name, I knew he could distinctively see the purple glow of the shield. Conjuring the water with my powers, making it to forum my outline, the impact with the cold water was chilling. My luminous purple glow so bright he had obviously seen from higher above, he I could make out him shifting, and racing towards the shore, giggling whilst swimming at a in human rate.

I soon made it towards the shore, spotting him searching for my body. I let out a laugh, that he soon heard and swan towards me.

"What the hell were you thinking!? You could have died!" He roared. The guilt settling in for what I had dome.

"You really think I would do that, with out my powers?" I smirked, using the elements to evaporate the remaining water on me. He soon cached up to my pace, grabbing me by my arm. Which hurt allot.

"Ah, fuck." I groaned, concern instantly flooding his dark chocolate eyes.

"Oh shit, you alright?" He started inspecting my arm. I pulled it away, it already being healed.

"Like you, I heal fast." I yawn. His eyes instantly narrow. 

"I'm making sure you're alright, see! You're tired!"

"I'm fine, why do you even care?" Anger crossed his face.

"B-Because your mine! Just. Please don't do that again-"

"I'm most certainly not yours!" I snap, pushing him backwards. Trudging back to the house, awaiting interrogations.


Hiya muggles, I did something dumb. I burnt my hand. I'm the once person to see if the stove is hot, by putting my fucking hand on it. Swearing did happen and I hate food tech.  


I'm sorry its short and VERY delayed. I just, I was lazy and thats my pitiful excuse.

Thank you for the love and support, I could be more grateful.

Remember muggles




-Pansy Parkinson.

The girl with a wolf. (Paul Lahote love story) :Hiatus:Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя