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Louis' POV

The music started playing and I felt my heart stop. Not out of joy because any second now my future wife was going to be standing next to me, but out of fear because I'd let this carry on for too long. There was no way I could stop this now, it was all out of control.

I turned to face the doorway, something I assumed all grooms were meant to do, they were meant to watch the bride walk down the aisle and they were meant to feel something. My eyes landed on a pair of sad green eyes, all the way at the back of the room and my mouth dropped open. I wanted nothing more in the whole world than to run up to him and tell him how much of a fucking idiot I had been. He just looked so sad, so lonely right at the back and I wanted to tell him that everything would be okay but I didn't know how to, and I didn't know if things would be okay.

Eleanor was waltzing closer and closer to me, yet I hadn't seen her, it was like she didn't exist, but I had noticed every detail about Harry. He was dressed in a black suit, black hat and floaty black and white scarf. The outfit would not be complete without most of the buttons being open and his chest and butterfly tattoo being on display. His curls were hanging loosely against his face and even from this distance I could tell he was crying. The sight of the clear sparkling droplets sliding down his cheeks made my heart twist and squeeze in a way I'd never experienced before and I had to look away, but when I looked back he was gone.

Eleanor arrived next to me and reached for my hands. I smiled weakly at her and looked over to the door again, to check if he had really gone. She squeezed them tightly and I looked back at her, but this time her features had changed into ones of anger, her eyebrows linked together in the middle and her mouth pinched. I tried to smile at her but it all felt wrong.

The vicar kept talking but I didn't know what he was saying, until there was a pause. This caught my attention and my eyes looked around the room seeing everyone staring back at me. Liam was sat at the front and nodded his head once at me, like he was pushing me to say something. "If anyone here knows of a lawful reason that these two shall not be wed today, please speak now or forever hold your peace." I licked my lips and Liam nodded again.

"I do. Eleanor I'm sorry but you know this isn't right. You aren't in love with me and I'm not in love with you. Neither of us even wanted to get married, it was never on the cards for us and I don't know how we ended up here."

There was a murmur among the families and Eleanor ripped her hands away from mine and took a step back from me. "Louis don't do this, we're here now, whatever our problems are we have the rest of our lives to work them out. I know things aren't perfect but..."

I cut her off by taking a step down the alter. "Eleanor, listen to me, I don't love you. I'm in love with someone else and I have to go. I hope you find happiness."

I turned and walked down the aisle, reaching a sprint by the time I'd made it outside. There were cars parked everywhere, but I couldn't spot Harry's so I jumped in the first one I saw with a driver. "Hi, sorry, excuse me? Can I go to this address please?"

The driver shifted in his seat to stare at me, his mouth open. "Aren't you supposed to be in there lad?"

"Can you drive me or not?"

He turned around and started the car. "To wherever your heart desires."

I recited Harry's address to him, something I'd spent a whole evening learning, and he drove me there, making occasional friendly chit chat.

He pulled up directly outside Harry's flat. "I can wait for ye if ye want, it's getting a bit bad out."

My eyes followed to where he was looking and noticed for the first time the heavy rain splashing against the windows. "No it's okay, thanks again." And with those last words I dashed out the car and proceeded to bang against the ground floor door and simultaneously buzz Harry's flat.

No answer.

"HARRY! Let me in please! It's me! Harry?"

Still nothing.

I turned around and watched the red tail lights of my ride disappear into the gloom and sighed as I noticed Harry's car wasn't parked in its spot. I squeezed my eyes shut and prayed to Jesus, Allah, Buddah or anyone that was listening for Harry to be home, or home soon. I tried knocking on the door and ringing the buzzer one last time before sitting on the cold wet front step.

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