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"Harry? It's me, Liam. I'm really sick and I don't think I can make it in today. I'm really sorry." He started spluttering on the other side of the phone and I sighed. "It's okay, take as much time as you need."

"Thank you." He hung up and I started nervously playing with my phone, flipping it round and around. My door opened and it startled me so much that I dropped the phone and it skidded slightly across my desk. My head snapped up and I saw Eleanor stood in the doorway.

"I didn't mean to scare you." She said.

I smiled and stood up, walking over to her. "Not at all, long time no see."

She started a long elaborate story about why she had missed so many meetings but I didn't hear a word of it, too focused on Louis' absence. As she moved away from the door frame I poked my head out hoping that maybe he'd be stood round the corner playing a joke on me or something. "No Louis today then?"

"Oh, he's coming later, I can't stay long."

" would be...just Louis and me...?" I gulped and I could feel my heart beat increase.

"Mhmm, that's not a problem is it? He's not giving you a tough time is he? I know he can be quite outspoken and opinionated."

"No, he...I..think you're missing out on a lot of important plans." I nodded sternly hoping she'd believe my excuse.

"It's okay, I trust Louis a lot and I know he's making the right choices. He's actually really thoughtful."

"Mmm is he...."

No time at all had passed before the couple made a transition and Louis and I were alone once again. He had styled his hair differently, it was slicked back in a quiff style and he was wearing more casual clothes, ripped skinny jeans and a black tight t-shirt with a denim jacket. His jeans were rolled up to the ankle revealing a tattoo just above his black vans. I had to pull my eyes away and focus on something else.

"Um so, today is food tasting." I shuffled all of the booklets together nervously and cleared my throat.

My eyes wondered back over to Louis' face and he was staring back at me, his eyebrows knitted together. "Why did you tell El that I shouldn't come to these meetings anymore?"

"Did I say that?"

"Yeah, you hurt me Styles, right here." He rubbed his hand slowly backwards and forwards over where his heart would be and pouted. I laughed and stood up trying to direct him to my car. "I don't think that's what I said."

"No it is, I listened to the voice mail, you implied it."

"Oh I impliiied it." I was messing with him just like he was messing with me and it was winding him up. I could tell because his hand clenched into a ball causing his knuckles to turn white.

"Yes, you impliiied it, do you think we're not getting on, am I not a good enough groom for you Styles?" He followed me to my car and got in the passenger side. I waited till he was inside before taking a deep breath and wishing Liam was here.

I stayed silent for most of the car journey and it was rubbing Louis up the wrong way. His grip was getting tighter and his knuckles were getting whiter.

"Let's listen to some music." I twisted the nob on my dashboard and my Stone Roses CD blasted into the car. I could see out the corner of my eye that Louis was relaxing and then he started to sing along. His voice was surprisingly good. "You like the Stone Roses?" I asked and he nodded in time to the music.

"Yeah, love them. I'm really into older music and also more indie stuff."

"Me too, you came into the right car my friend."

He chuckled a little bit. "You know, there's this vintage music store in town, I can show you one day if you like?" He offered.

I took my eyes off the road for a second to look at him.  "Really? Where?"

"You'll find out when we go."

I rolled my eyes. "You're no fun to wind up Harry, you just do it back and I hate when people wind me up."

"Oh I see, you can dish it out but you can't take it?" he huffed and I chuckled. "Just messing, we're here by the way." I pulled the car up by the catering company and lead Louis inside. The receptionist greeted me with a huge smile and gave me the code to the back room like she always did.

We hadn't even walked a metre away when Louis nudged me. "I think she fancies you."

I scoffed. "If she does she's barking up the wrong tree."

We walked into the tasting room and Louis pulled himself up to the table and tucked his napkin into his shirt like a bib. I laughed and he grinned like an idiot while struggling to take his jacket off. I noticed straight away all the tattoos that littered his arms and I couldn't help tracing each one with my eyes. I'd never seen him in short sleeves before and I regretted not knowing all this information about him.

"You like tattoos?" His voice was gentle and it broke through my thoughts causing me to snap out of them and look to his face. He had a small smile painted on his lips.

I shook my head, feeling my cheeks heat up. "Yeah, I do actually, I have a few here and there."

"I noticed the butterfly on your stomach since you never do more that one button of your shirt up." He cocked his eyebrow.

I looked down at the giant butterfly on my abdomen and pulled my shirt around myself tighter. "Yeah, it's a pun...butterflies in your stomach." As I said it I could feel them erupting in mine and fluttering around.

Louis giggled, the crinkles by his eyes reappearing but he covered his mouth with his hand. "That was bad."

"I have quite a few pun tattoos so you might not like the others."

Before he could respond plates of food started being brought to us and I sighed with relief. The conversation stopped abruptly, the only words we said were ones of bliss as we enjoyed mouthfuls of food.

"Oh wow you have to try this." Louis scooped something from his plate onto his fork and hovered it in front of my mouth. I swallowed thickly and opened my mouth for him to put his fork in. It was such an intimate moment I couldn't help but envision what it would be like to be on a date with Louis Tomlinson.

I bet he would make everything a surprise. He'd turn up at your door and drive you to a surprise location. It would turn out to be a posh restaurant and he'd hold the door open for you as you walk in. You would both be lead to a table at the back of the restaurant and it would be private and intimate. You'd share each other's food and he'd crack joke after joke to make sure you're happy before paying for everything and taking you home.

"What do you think?" I shook my head hoping my thoughts would fly out of my ears and looked back up to the real Louis. He was watching me expectantly, his blue eyes sparkling.

"I think we've found ourselves a winner for the main course." He grinned at my words and pushed all the plates to one side, waiting to be served the dessert tasters.

"So, when are you free to visit this music store?" Louis crossed his arms in front of himself and leant forward on the table.

The professional part of me wanted to tell him it wasn't a good idea to hang out outside of this work environment but the stupid giggly teenage girl side of me wanted any and all possible moments alone with Louis. "Whenever really."

"This might upset you but I won't be inviting Eleanor along with us, I know how much you like to be around her." He smirked and I felt my cheeks getting hotter and my pulse quicken.

Did he know I have feelings for him?

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