For Cody

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Dear Bro,

Thanks for stopping Mom that day. There isn't much I want to say here, but I just want to apologise.

I'm sorry for what happened three days ago. I'm sorry for letting you down. Normally people would expect the older one to give a good example, yet I couldn't. As you would know, I'm a lesbian.

Well good thing is you're straight so at least Mom and Dad aren't that broken. (What I mean is that at least you're straight and have a girlfriend instead of being bi. I'm super duper sure they won't allow another homo in the house.)

Please be well, brother dear. Like what Dad said I'm not allowed into this house anymore, and I'm no longer their daughter, thus, not your sister. Yet, that doesn't mean I can't care for you.

Don't fight with Lauren anymore, please, and I suggest you to quit smoking ASAP. Don't pretend you don't know anything. I found the packet of cigarettes in your room on Monday; I was cleaning it because you refused to do the job, so it's not my problem :)

Also, take care of mom and dad for me. I'm pretty sure they're still shaken, sad, and angey - and even more after they read my letter - but cheer them up, yeah? They don't deserve to be sad. It wasn't their fault.

Above all, stay safe, and be healthy. BE MORE RESPONSIBLE SHEESH LEARN TO CLEAN YOUR FUCKING ROOM NEXT TIME. YOUR MOM AND DAD AREN'T GONNA HELP YOU DO IT. Good luck with your relationship, don't fight; Lauren's a nice girl. Quit smoking, and please limit sex to two times a week.

The bitch,

P.S. I'm uh... getting married with Kaylee (my girlfriend) probably around next year.... uh... I was wondering if you wanna come. Stay in touch, yeah?


It's only a day and Girls Like Girls is already added to 3 reading lists! :O Thanks so much guys! <

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