Chapter 23

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**May (Dover Weekend)**

I had on my dress, my hair was up, and my makeup was done. I couldn't believe this was this was the day I was graduating high school. Unfortunately Chase was in Dover and could not attend, but I was going to fly out right after the party was over.

I heard Eric Church's Talladega play from my phone. I automatically knew it was Chase, and answered it.

(C=Chase; A=Amy)

A: Hey, hey.

C:  Hey, how's  everything going?

A: Pretty good. I'm excited.

C: Glad to hear that. Wish I was there.

A: I wish you were too.

C: But I had the race time wrong. So when this thing gets over I'm heading down there and I'll be there as soon as I can.

A: That sounds absolutely awesome.

C: Well, I gotta get going. Congratulations, and don't fall when you walk across the stage.

A: Stop, that is the only thing I was worried about.

C: You'll be fine. I love you.

A: I love you too. Good luck today.

I hung up and walked out to the car.

We got to the school, and I met up with my friends. My mom took my phone and took a picture, then  I posted it on Instagram.

"@nascar_Amy: Can't believe graduation day is finally here! Happy to spend it with my best friends. Missing @chaseelliott24 though."


After the ceremony, countless number of family and friends congratulated me before we went back to my house to celebrate.

"Congratulations," I heard a deep southern voice say as arms wrapped around my waist.

"Chase Elliott," I said and turned around. "You're here early."

"Yeah, the engine blew around lap 20."

"Aw. Figured you'd be more upset about it."

"I am very upset about it, but I got to you earlier," he said and brought me closer to him.

Just as we were about to kiss, my friend Kendra interrupted by saying, "So this is the boyfriend I've never gotten to meet?"

I nodded my head yes.

"Where are the races this weekend?" she asked Chase.

"Dover. Up in Delaware," he answered.

"Where'd ya finished?"

"38th. We had trouble finding balance all weekend, and we lost the engine pretty early on."

"That didn't really make any sense. I'll see you later Amy."

"See ya," I said and she walked away.

"Are all of your friends that stupid?" Chase asked me.

"They just don't understand NASCAR, so yes."

He laughed. "Now, where were we?"

We were about to kiss, then Charlee tried to FaceTime me. Chase gave me a 'don't answer that' look.

"It's Charlee," I said.

"Answer it."

So I did.

"Hey!" she said enthusiastically. "Is your ceremony over?"

"It is," I answered.

"We have officially graduated high school."

"I know!"

"We are free...My mom needs me. I got to go."

"Alright, see you in Charlotte."

I hung up and turned to Chase to continue where we left off.

"Let's just go back to your place," he said.

We got back to my house and I went upstairs to change. I put on a pair of white skinny jeans, a mint tank top, and my mint Converse. Instead of returning to the party downstairs, I went into my parents' bedroom and stood on their balcony to have some time to myself.

"What are you doing up here?" Chase asked walking up beside me.

"Just taking a break from all the chaos. It's been a crazy day."

"I understand that. I was flying from Iowa to Georgia for mine."

"Oh yeah that's right."

"So how long until you have to go to college?"

"Well, I haven't heard anything from any of the schools I've applied to, but probably August."

"Ok, then we'll make the most of it."

I nodded my head in agreement.

"You're worried aren't you?"

"Yeah, a little."

"We're gonna be fine. There's video chat. I'll visit you, we'll get you out to some races. And there's winter, spring and summer break where we can spend every second with each other."

"I love you," I said and hugged him tightly.

"I love you more." We pulled apart, and he kissed me.

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